Chapter 8

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"You can't have real love without operating in forgiveness. Love keeps giving the other person another chance." - Joyce Meyer

The next morning Diana meets and has her first examination by Dr. Fellowes. Once he is finished examining her, he informs her of the progress she has made even though it's very little in the past twenty-four hours. He tells her when the nurse will be in to give her pain medication. After recording his notes in her chart he needs to fax them over to her doctor back in Paris who is working with him. After biding the Princess a good day, he leaves Diana alone with her thoughts.

She can't believe Charles admitted to her that he is still in love with her and wants them to be together again. Then the kiss, a kiss filled with so much heat and passion she felt like she was floating. A kiss that felt so good, she can still feel Charles' lips on hers.

What should she do? Should she take him back? Should she trust him again after all they have been through? Charles said Camilla and Andrew were working on their marriage, but an excuse she has heard before. Hopefully, this isn't some sick twisted game Charles is trying to play. The last thing she needs is any more heartbreak. But her heart still belongs to him.

After Charles kissed her, he asked her to think about it and they would talk about it when he came to visit. Looking at the clock he would be there within the next two hours. If she does decide to take him back, he would have to earn her trust back. The man would have to have done a complete three hundred and sixty degree for them to get back together.

Diana is finished eating her lunch when Charles arrives.

"Hello Diana," he greets her before giving her a peck on the lips.

"Hello Charles," she replies.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, in a little pain, but I'll be fine."

"Good, well I'm glad you're good, not because you're in pain."

"It's fine Charles, I knew what you meant," Diana giggles.

A moment of silence falls between them.

"So have you thought any more about us?" he asks wanting to get it over with.

"I have."


Diana sighs, "honestly, I'm still shocked and scared. I had to go through a lot to get where I am now Charles, I refuse to go backward."

He knows what she means by going backward. The eating disorder, cutting herself, the tears, the mental anguish. She has come a long way, and he knows he played a major part in those things. The last thing he wants to do is put her through all of those things again.

"I understand and I don't want you to have to go through that again. Things will be different this time, seriously. Camilla is out of my life for good, I'm trying to be more understanding..."

"Is she really Charles? You can't tell me she just graciously bowed out this time," Diana says cutting him off.

He looks at her. "Yes, this time it's over for good. When I was in Paris I told her that I didn't feel the same way as I did before. I wanted to be with you."

"Now I'm truly shocked."

"Diana I'm not trying to start a row with you."

"I'm not trying to start one with you either Charles. Let's not forget this is a woman you told and I quote 'no matter what happens, I will always love you.'"

"I did say that, and at the time that's how I felt. I have changed since then, and my feelings for her have changed. I realize how much you mean to me Diana, and how beautiful everything was between us."

"Well Charles, you can't expect me to just come back to you so easily. I don't want to get hurt again." 

"I know and I don't expect you to. Why don't we do it right this time? Start over and I court you properly this time," he says taking her hand. 

Diana looks into those blue eyes and she knows she still loves him. Although she is afraid of getting her heart broken again, their being able to get it right this time gives her hope for their future. 

"Ok, we'll start over."

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