Chapter 9

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"Strangers before, lovers and then...people become strangers again..." - We're Always Saying Goodbye by Diana Ross.

Diana is changing her clothes as she gets ready for her and Charles' "first" date. Tonight they will be having dinner at Highgrove so they can have some privacy. Thankfully she is now out of her arm cast and has more options for what she can wear even though her leg is still in its cast.

She decides to wear a black dress, actually the same black dress she wore to Gianni Versace's funeral back in July. The dress has a small slit at the top above her cleavage, but a long split in the front in the middle. Like the funeral, she decides to wear the pearl choker and diamond bracelet. The only difference this time is her shoes, bag, and makeup.

Charles is already at Highgrove pacing back and forth. He wants to make sure everything is perfect.

He remembers their first date was to a performance of Verdi, and at that time he had only given her twenty minutes' notice to get ready. Looking back he should've given her more time. This time he doesn't want to rush, take things slowly.

"Your Highness, the Princess has arrived," the butler announces.

"Thank you," Charles replies. He heads to the door wanting to be the first person she sees.

What he sees stops him in his tracks. The bare leg that is sticking outside the car makes him wonder how short is the dress she has on.

He goes up to the car to assist in helping her into the wheelchair.

"Hello Diana, you look lovely," he says once she's settled in the chair.

"Thank you, Charles, you look very handsome," she replies.

He pushes her chair inside so they can get out of the cold November air.

He takes her to the sitting room, where they will sit until dinner is ready. He wheels her over to the sofa near the fireplace.

"Is this ok," he asks before he is to take his seat.

"Yes it's fine, thank you," Diana replies as she takes off her blazer.

"Would you like anything to drink?

"Water would be lovely."

Charles calls for one of the butlers and asks for a glass of water for both of them.

"So where should we start?" Charles asks joking.

Diana giggles, "seriously Charles?"

"Yes, I mean isn't that how it's done?" he replies smiling.

"Alright, I'm Diana Spencer, and my birthday is July First. I have two wonderful sons whom I love to bits. I have two older sisters and a younger brother. I worked as a nanny and a teacher's assistant until I became the former Princess of Wales."

"Interesting, how old are your sons?"

Diana giggles, "they are fifteen and thirteen years old. What about you do you have any children?"

"Yes, I also have two sons who are also fifteen and thirteen years old."

"Maybe we can meet for a play date," Diana replies with a wink.

"Your water Sir," the butler says presenting the tray with their glasses of water.

Charles takes a sip as the last thing Diana said to him had him feeling a little warm.

They take their glasses before the butler leaves them alone again.

"Well, I guess I better introduce myself," Charles says after taking a sip of his water, "my name is Charles, my birthday is November fourteenth, and I have a younger sister and two younger brothers. I have two sons who mean the world to me. I am the Prince of Wales, and I have multiple charities that I am a patron of."

"So what do you do when you're not busy, what are some of your hobbies?"

"I like to read or work in my garden. What about you?"

"Well, I like to dance. When I was younger I wanted to be a ballerina, unfortunately, I grew to be too tall for the profession."

Charles looks down at her legs, having seen both her legs and moves, he has to admit she would have made an amazing dancer.

While they eat dinner Charles looks over at her.

"So what has the doctor said about your leg?"

"He said I'm healing perfectly. I would only be in this cast a little while longer before I start physical therapy for my leg."

"Excellent, do you think you would be out of your cast before Christmas?"

"I don't know, it's a strong possibility," Diana replies, "how are things going with the Prince's Trust?"

"Things are going good, we were able to raise more money to help more young people. I'm glad the trust is gaining more attention and recognition."

"As it should, it's a great charity. You do deserve more recognition for your work Charles," Diana says.

He smiles, "Thank you, Diana."

"You're welcome."

"I have to admit Diana, I admire the work you're doing with getting landmines removed."

"Thank you, Charles."

She smiles as this is the first time he's given her credit for something she has done.

Later that night it's time to bid her goodnight. They managed to have good conversations throughout dinner and even after. It's been a while since they both laughed together.

"I had a lovely time tonight Charles," Diana says.

"So did I, I hope we could do this again soon," he replies.

"Yes, I would love to."

"Good night Diana, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Good night Charles."

He moves in and kisses her on the lips before the car leaves. 

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