Chapter 6

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"I never let you go, because, in the back of my mind, I still believe that someday we'll get our second chance." -

It has been a month since the accident and thankfully the doctors were able to minimize the swelling of Diana's brain, and her broken bones are healing properly. A few days ago the doctors decided to bring Diana out of the medically induced coma. It was well after nine pm and Charles was maintaining his usual vigil beside Diana's bed. Thankfully his mother allowed him this time off to be with Diana and to spend time with his sons during this hard time.

Two weeks after the accident Charles allowed Wills and Harry to come to see their mother on Harry's thirteenth birthday. A request that his sons plead with him, they wanted to see their mother. Considering how things were Charles was unsure, but after talking it over with his sister and brother-in-law they were allowed to come to see her.

Also during this time, he thought about what to do about his relationship with Camilla. He had talked to her once more since the last phone call and he explained to her that he felt his feelings towards her had changed. He told her he still loved her, but not how he used to. His feelings for Diana have been renewed and he wanted to give them a second chance at getting it right. Not only for him and Diana but also their sons.

Camilla wasn't exactly happy with this, but she knew from that night Charles called her Diana, that his feelings towards his ex-wife were starting to come back. She told Charles that when things get rough, to handle it himself and not get her involved as he did before. She wasn't going to keep letting him run in and out of her life anymore. Most importantly she and Andrew were beginning to work on their marriage for the sake of their children. She graciously decided to step back and let him go. Before they hung up they said goodbye and wished each other luck.

Now he sits here and he wonders if Diana would even take him back. Before the accident, he never got to express his feelings toward her. When he thought about it he would always leave on an awkward note, which he is sure Diana noticed. When she wakes up he plans to tell her how he feels and ask her for another chance to make things right.

Charles is pulled from his thoughts when he hears a soft sigh. He looks at Diana and her eyes are blinking as it seems she's trying to adjust to the lights again. He smiles as he is so happy she is awake. The thought of never seeing those blue eyes ever again frightened him.

"Diana," Charles says standing up.

She looks at him without saying a word as if her brain is trying to register who he is. The doctors warned there could be some temporary memory loss when she woke up.

"Diana, darling it's me, Charles," he says caressing her hand.

"Cha...Charles," she manages to croak out. Her vocal cords are sore from the breathing machine they had her connected to.

"Yes darling it's me," he says, "I'll be right back, I'll go get the doctor."

Once Charles informs the nurse that Diana has awakened, two doctors and a nurse enter the room.

Charles stands back as he watches them examine Diana. Not wanting to overwhelm her vocal cords they only asked her a few questions. The nurse comes back and administers some pain medicine allowing Diana to relax. While they continue to examine Diana, he slips out to call Diana's siblings and the boys to tell them the news.

A few days later, Diana began to feel like she could talk more and began more verbal communication. To the delight of her family, doctors informed her she could be going home by mid-October, however, she will need round-the-clock medical staff as well as eventually begin physical therapy to help with the use of her leg and arm. All of which Charles stated he would have handled when they return to England.

Charles stands off to the side while Diana's sisters kiss her goodnight before they leave. After Sarah and Jane leave, Diana looks over at her ex-husband. He stands in front of the window looking out at the flow of traffic. From where she is standing he is in deep thought.


Turning he looks at the source, "yes?"

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok for right now."

"Are you in any pain?"

"No," Diana replies shifting slightly.

Compatible silence falls between them.

Diana was surprised to find out Charles has been by her side every day since she arrived. Well, she wasn't exactly surprised considering their friendship. However, she is surprised at how far he has gone. From keeping vigil, to working with the doctors on coordinating her care along with her siblings. Sarah and Jane informed her of everything Charles has done, which she found sweet.

"Charles, if you're feeling tired, you can head back to your hotel. I'll be fine," Diana says.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, you need to get your rest."

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then."

To her surprise, he comes up to her and kisses her on the lips. Something they haven't done in years. It's always been the customary kiss on both cheeks.

"Good night Diana."

"Good night Charles," she replies not trying to show she's in shock by what he just did.

Once Charles is gone, she lies there and is feeling rather confused. She knows her memory is slightly foggy because of the accident, but the last time she checked Charles was with Camilla. So why would he kiss her on the lips, when they are friends? Not wanting to think too much about it, she just chalks it to him being happy she woke up.

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