Chapter 14

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"You can't have real love without operating in forgiveness. Love keeps giving the other person another chance." - Joyce Meyer

"You want to go where?" Charles asks making sure he heard Diana correctly.

"I said I want to go back to Paris and revisit the accident scene. Dr. O'Malley feels like it would help bring closure," Diana says looking at Charles.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I also want to donate to the hospital and the staff who saved my life."

Charles thinks about it. The last thing he wants is for this trip to worsen Diana's mental health. Although she has made significant progress since the accident, the last thing he wants is for her to regress to her previous mental state.

"Charles, I need to do this. I feel like this will be the best way for me to get the closure I need and to get over what happened," Diana says taking his hand.

Charles looks at Diana. "Fine, I'll talk to Richard and Patrick so we can make the necessary arrangements," Charles says.

"Thank you," Diana replies smiling.

A week later Diana and Charles descend the stairs from the plane and onto the tarmac. They get into the car waiting to take them to the Ritz Paris which is where they will be staying. By the time they arrive at the hotel, it's time for dinner.

Diana enters their suite first and sees the romantic setting.

"Oh Charles, you didn't have to," Diana replies blushing.

"Why not do something special for the woman I love," Charles says putting his arms around Diana's waist.

They share a passionate kiss before they are interrupted by a knock at the door.

"I wonder who it could be? Charles asks going to answer the door.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you, Your Highness," Richard says when Charles opens the door, "but I just wanted to confirm tomorrow night."

"Thank you, Richard," Charles says before Richard leaves them alone again.

"What's tomorrow night?"

"Nothing, just a little surprise I arranged for us."

"What kind of surprise?"

"Now Diana, if I tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise," Charles replies before kissing her cheek.

The next day Charles holds Diana's hand as their driver takes them to the scene of the accident. Since Diana stated that she wanted this, he has been feeling apprehensive about visiting the scene of the accident.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can always turn the car around?" Charles says.

"Yes, I'm sure," Diana replies reassuring Charles by patting his hand.

"Ok," he replies relaxing back in the chair.

The car makes one more turn before it arrives at the police barricade. Charles gets out of the car first, then extends his hand to Diana. Stepping out of the car in a black knee-length dress and heels, Diana takes a deep breath as she is about to face a place she has had nightmares about.

The police officers are there to keep the street blocked off so no traffic disturbs them nod as they walk by. Charles interlaces his fingers with Diana's wanting to be her rock as she faces her fears. They walk slowly without a word, while Charles continued to look over at Diana to make sure she is ok.

Once inside the tunnel, Charles feels Diana's hand tighten as they get closer to where they were told the car hit the pillar.

Diana stops as the images from that night begin to flash before her eyes. The car speeding through the Paris streets, the lights from the paparazzi bikes chasing them. She can hear Dodi, yelling at the driver to drive faster. The bike that was beside the car taking their picture. Then a white light and everything went dark.

A Second Chanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें