Chapter 13

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"I love you, Diana," Charles repeats lowering his voice.

She looks at him surprised to hear him say those three words. It's been a long time since she heard him say them. At one point it used to be whatever in love means, then on a couple of occasions he said it.

"Are you serious Charles, I mean you are in love with me?"

"Yes, I mean it. I love you, Diana. I've been feeling like this for some time. I know it sounds crazy coming from me, but it is true.

"I love you too Charles, but I'm still not ready to become intimate with you yet," she replies getting up from the table. Leaving Charles by himself.

Once Diana enters her bedroom she sits on the side of her bed. She doesn't know what to do in letting him back in completely. She is a romantic at heart, but with Charles, she wasn't so sure. She does love him and always will, but she is afraid things will go back to the way they used to be.

Charles sighs as he tries to figure out how he can prove to Diana that he loves her. He knows their past is a part of the reason she doesn't believe him. His mind is instantly taken back to the interview they did when they announced their engagement. When asked if were they in love, he replies "whatever in love means?"

Knowing Diana, those words probably stuck with her. To his relief, she confessed she loved him. But he knows the trust isn't there, meaning it was more work to do.

Later that night Diana lay on the other side of the bed asleep, while he lie there awake staring at the ceiling.
His ego got a little bruised when Diana told him she didn't want him to hold her tonight. He figured she is still sorting out her feelings. The last thing he wants to do is to push her.

He looks over at her back as she is facing the opposite wall. Wondering what is she dreaming about. For a couple of nights, he's had to comfort her as she had nightmares about the accident. Thankfully her panic attacks haven't happened in a while thanks to her seeing a psychiatrist. Still, he worried about her.

Getting out of bed, he walks over to the window and stares into the semi-darkness. The moon shone brightly just enough to see the gardens outside.

Charles is pulled from his thoughts when he hears Diana scream. He goes over to the bed and tries to wake her up.

"Diana, darling it's ok," he says trying to soothe her.

Her eyelids flutters open, revealing those beautiful blue eyes. A look of relief comes over her features followed by a few tears.

He pulls her into his arms and holds her.

Diana relaxes and is thankful Charles is there for her. These nightmares about the accident are almost driving her crazy.

"Diana," Charles says bringing an end to the silence.


"I'm sorry for everything."

Diana looks into his eyes and she can see he is truly sorry.

"I'm sorry too Charles," Diana replies.

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