Chapter 16

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"I love you means that I care enough to fight for what we have and that I love enough not to let go" -

Charles walks silently with his sons as they walk to the gardens of Highgrove. Today he wanted to talk to them about what is going on between him and their mother. William and Harry know that their parents are back together and working on reconciliation. However, they were not aware that their father is considering asking for their mother's hand in marriage.

"So, boys, how is school?" Charles asks finally putting an end to the silence.

"School is great, Papa, things are going well this semester," William replies.

"Yes, school is going well this semester," Harry chimes in.

"Wonderful, I'm glad the both of you are doing well in school. Your mother and I are very proud of you."

"Thanks," both boys reply as they continue to walk.

Another moment of silence falls between them before Harry speaks up. "So, are you and mum officially back together?"

"Yes, we are. Your mother and I have come a long way since the beginning."

"Good, are you two going to try to work things out this time?" this time William asks.

"Yes. I don't want to put your mother through what we have been through. Your mother and I have changed a lot over the years. I love your mother deeply, and I pray that we continue to be as close as we are now."

The boys nod, not saying anything. Although they were somewhat young when the nasty part of their parent's divorce played out in the media, both William and Harry remember the toll it took on both of their parents, as well as themselves.

"So, what happens now?" William asks.

"Well, that is part of the reason I asked the two of you to walk with me. I want to talk to you about me and your mother getting remarried. Also helping me convince your grandmother in granting such a request. Sadly, your grandmother is hesitant to allow your mother and I to remarry," Charles says the last part his voice filled with sadness. It's been a few weeks since his meeting with his mother and he has yet to hear from her on the subject matter.

"Ok, do you love mummy?" Harry asks.

"Yes, I do, very much. I know in the past my actions didn't seem like it, but I did care about your mother, and I still did. I was so scared when I got news of her accident, I thought I wasn't going to have the opportunity to tell her how I truly felt."

"So why Papa? Why did you and mum go through all of that to only end up together again?" William asks.

"Because I was foolish enough to let others around me influence me. Also, I thought I was in love with Camilla, but it was lust. People change over time and sometimes circumstances force you to grow up."

"Of course, Harry and I want you and mummy to be happy together, but we just don't want you two to put us through all of that again. Watching your parent's dirty laundry play out in public was too much."

"I know, and I'm sorry your mother and I didn't handle things differently. Now we are in a better place, and we want to be together. Believe me, neither one of us wants to go through that period of our lives again."

"So how does mum feel about it? Does she want to marry you again?" Harry asks.

"I have mentioned the subject of marriage, but I haven't directly talked to her about it. Tonight, during dinner, I will bring it up."

The four of them are sitting at the dinner table enjoying the dinner Diana prepared. Halfway through dinner, Charles decided to bring up the subject of him and Diana getting remarried.

"Diana darling, I have an important question...well it's more of a topic of discussion," Charles says.

"Is this something that needs to be discussed in private or...."

"No, I want the boys to be here with us, as this will affect everyone here at this table," Charles says cutting her off, "sorry I didn't mean to cut you off, dear."


Charles looks at William and Harry who both give encouraging nods.

"Well Diana, my love, I have been thinking about you and me, how far we have come over the last year and then some. I love you and I know you love me, but I wonder how you feel about us, getting married again."

Diana looks at Charles and then at her sons, who are all looking at her.

"Well...I have thought about it. Like I said I doubt your mother would allow us to get remarried, considering what happened in the past. But I do love you Charles and if we were allowed to, I would marry you again."

Charles relaxes as he feels like the weight has been lifted off of his shoulders. He is happy that Diana would consider remarrying him if they were given the green light.

"Well Papa, you know what you have to do next," Harry says smiling at his father.

"Yes, I know what I have to do now," Charles says smiling.

Charles waits patiently for his mother who he was informed was in another meeting that went over. Inside he is praying his mother agrees with him and Diana remarrying.

"Hello Charles, sorry I am late," Elizabeth says walking in, and greeting her son.

"Hello Mummy, I'm glad you were able to meet with me," he replies kissing his mother and then bowing.

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about? Although I feel like I already have an idea."

"Well, a few weeks ago mummy, I came to you about Diana and I remarrying, and I want to know have you given any more thought to the idea?" he asks nervously.

"I have, your father and I have talked about it some great deal. Honestly, I'm happy that you and Diana have reconciled and you two seem happier than ever, but Charles you have to understand that we cannot go through that whole ordeal all over again. Are you sure you want to be with Diana this time, there are no doubts, second thoughts, outside influences, or anything of that nature?"

"I'm positive that this time we'll get it right. Diana and I have changed a great deal over the past few years and have become closer. Mother, I can assure you the last thing Diana and I want to do is to relive our past all over again. Most importantly we don't want to put William and Harry through that horrible time either. As for outside influences, there are none. Camilla and I haven't come in contact with each other in over a year. From what I understand she and Tom are happy and are continuing to work on their marriage."

Elizabeth looks at her son and can see he has changed thankfully for the better.

"Like I said before Charles if I grant you and Diana permission to remarry, this wedding will be much smaller than before. Whatever issues you and Diana run into later on down the line you two better figure it out like two rational adults."

"Yes mummy," he replies looking down at his hands sounding like a child being reprimanded by his parent.

"I will grant you and Diana permission to remarry. Also, I would like to meet with you and Diana to discuss the wedding as well as just to talk to the two of you about things will be handled going forward. I will have my secretary reach out to you and Diana's secretaries to find time in our diaries that will work."

"Thank you, mummy, you don't know how much this means to me, Diana, and our sons. I promise you we will not let you down," Charles replies feeling better than before.

"I hope not, and you're welcome. Tell Diana I said hello, and I will speak to the two of you soon."

With their meeting concluded, Charles returns to Kensington palace to begin to make arrangements for a selection of engagement rings to be sent over for Diana to choose from. However, he also needs to plan how he will ask Diana to marry him. This time his response won't be whatever in love means, as he knows he loves her more than anything.

A Second ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora