Chapter 7

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"Every now and then I still get a flashback...thinking you could be that one...should I just kept your love? As I understand we done had some good times, on the other hand, kept me crying all night... so even though I left you I can't forget you. Cause when I think about you it's bittersweet...   - Bittersweet by Fantasia

Charles flies back to England ahead of Diana's return to arrange everything needed for her care when she returns. He heads to Kensington Palace to meet with one of the premier doctors in England who has been asked to care for Diana until she is completely healed. After he meets with Dr. Fellowes, he is then to arrange her physical therapy.

Toward the end of his meeting with the physical therapist, Richard knocks on the door.

"I'm sorry Your Royal Highness, but Her Majesty would like to see you as soon as possible."

"Ok thank you, Richard," Charles replies.

Once the meeting is concluded, Charles heads to Buckingham Palace to see what his mother wanted.

Upon arrival, Charles is escorted to his mother's office. He greets her with a kiss on the cheek before bowing.

"I'm glad you were able to meet with me, Charles. Richard informed me you were arranging Diana's care team," Elizabeth says to her eldest son.

"Yes mummy, I had just finished meeting with Diana's physical therapist when Richard informed me you wanted to see me."

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about your duties. I allowed you the month off to care for Diana in Paris. I'm happy that she is making wonderful progress but now that she is coming home you need to resume your duties. Anne, Andrew, and Edward stepped up while you were gone and they almost to the point of exhaustion."

"I know mummy, once Diana gets settled then I'll get back to work," Charles replies.

"Good." Elizabeth pauses, "I am curious about one thing. I know you and Diana have maintained a friendship, and I must say I am happy. But I'm just wondering why you are going above and beyond for her. You never seemed this concerned since she was pregnant with Harry."

"I've always cared about Diana. Things may not have always been the greatest, but I wouldn't want anything terrible to happen to her."

Elizabeth nods. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"Second thoughts about what?"

"About your divorce? Your Aunt has informed me that Camilla has been said to have gone back to Andrew. I'm assuming you being in Paris with Diana has something to do with it."

Charles doesn't say anything at first, as he is still figuring out what to do about his feelings for Diana.

"I would say so. Before Diana's accident, we were beginning to drift apart."

"I don't understand why? Considering all that the two of you went through to be together. You got what you wanted, so what happened?"

"Nothing necessarily happened between us. I just realized some things. Wondering if we did do the right thing. Did I truly give my marriage to Diana all that I had?"

"Well did you? I know marriage isn't easy, but considering the factors, I had hoped you and Diana would have worked through your differences."

"Not the way we should have. Diana had her issues and I had mine. Instead of working them out and being more patient, more supportive, we just let everything spiral out of control. Now I want a chance to make things right."

Charles stood at the entrance of Diana's Kensington Palace apartment while he watched as Diana was transferred from the ambulance up the stairs. He steps to the side as the two men bring Diana into her apartment on a gurney.

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