Picking up the pieces

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You arrive at the compound and Tony immediately rushes you to Bruce, who re-does your stitches and runs a few tests. When Bruce is just finishing up, a freshly showered Steve walks in.

"Rogers." Tony says leading him out into the hall.

"Are you going to tell us who she is?" Steve asks.

"I will when she's all cleaned up. For now, give Fury a call, get him over here."

Steve gives a nod, and Tony heads back in to be with you.

"Tony, you're gonna wanna see this." Bruce says, staring at his computer.

Tony walks over to the computer showing the results of the tests done. The results show mutated cells.

"That's normal for her." Tony says "She was born with powers"

"Born with them?"


Bruce glances over at you sitting in a chair looking at the ground.

"Is there a physical reason that she isn't talking?" Tony asks

"No," Bruce replies. "That's probably from the trauma. She'll talk when she's ready, just don't push her."

Tony nods, his eyes on you.

"Do you know how long she was kept there?" Bruce asks

"About six years" Tony says.

Bruce nods. "She's pretty underweight and dehydrated, but it could have been worse"

Fury bursts into the room and you flinch at the sudden disruption. He pauses when he sees you.

"You're alive" He says with relief.

"We found her at a hydra base" Tony says "She's in rough shape and not talking."

Fury nods. "Bruce, if you're done here, we can go explain this to the rest of the team, I have them waiting in the conference room."

"We're good to go" Bruce says.

Bruce and Fury walk to the conference room, and Tony stays behind with you.

"I'm sorry I couldn't find you." Tony says.

You shake your head standing up and hugging him, he hugs back for a moment, before pulling away.

"Come on" He says "Let's go meet the rest of the team."

You nod, following him out.

When you arrive at the conference room, all the avengers are seated around the table. Tony takes a seat, pulling out the chair beside him for you. You sit down, feeling uncomfortable with all the eyes on you. Fury stands at the head of the table.

"Everyone" Fury says, drawing everyone's attention to him. "Meet Y/N L/N" He says motioning towards you. "She was SHEILDS top undercover agent, six years ago, her mission was compromised and she was captured. She was presumed dead."

"So how does Tony know her?" Nat asks

"I've known Y/N since she was in diapers." Tony chimes in. "She was my best friend's adopted sister. When their parents died, Y/N was only eight, her brother was twenty-three, so he adopted her. At the time her brother was living with me, so I helped raise her. I consider her to be my sister too"

"Where's the brother now" Steve asks.

"He died in a car crash nine years ago," Tony says.

"Why are we talking about her like she's not even here? Let the girl speak for herself" Sam says

"She doesn't talk" Nat replies

"We believe it's due to the trauma she's experienced" Bruce says.

"Anymore questions?" Tony asks. "Alright, Wanda, Nat, would you mind helping her get cleaned up. She can have the spare room"

The girls nod, standing up and heading towards the door and Tony tells you to follow them. You follow the girls into the elevator.

"I'm Nat, by the way, and this is Wanda" Nat says once the doors close.

You nod

"I'll show her the room, you find her some clothes." Wanda says

Nat agrees.

After getting shown your room and showering, you change into the oversized sweater and leggings left out by Nat. You step out into the room where Nat and Wanda are.

"Sorry it's so oversized," Nat says "It's all we had in the spare clothes."

You shake your head brushing it off.

"We could go shopping today if you wanted?" Wanda asks

You nod.

"Great, let's go tell Tony" Nat beams.

You all head to the elevator, getting in, and standing in silence.

"It's going to be nice having another girl around," Wanda says

"Yes," Nat pipes in "You can only take so much of the guys before you're ready to strangle them"

You nod in agreement.

When the elevator stops, you see Tony.

"Just the man we were looking for," Nat says

"We're taking Y/N shopping," Wanda adds

"Ok, knock yourselves out," Tony replies handing over his credit card. "Happy will drive you"

Later at the mall, Wanda and Nat help you pick out the essentials and clothes, including a few dresses for Tony's famous parties. You try to resist buying the dresses but finally give in when you realize the girls aren't giving up. While you're out, you all grab dinner, you don't really eat but no one notices. By the time you get back to the compound and put your stuff away, everyone else has called it a night.

You lay in bed, trying to get comfortable and fall asleep, but fail. Finally, you get up, heading downstairs for some water.

you grab a cup out of the cupboard and turn to see Bucky in the doorway. Startled, you almost drop your glass.

"Sorry," He says "Didn't mean to scare you"

You wave it off, continuing to fill your cup.

"Why are you still awake?" He asks

'Why are you asking questions to someone who doesn't talk' you sign, before picking up your glass and starting to walk away.

"I don't know, a habit I guess," He says.

You stop dead in your tracks, turning around to face him. You set your cup down and begin to sign again.

'You know sign'

"A little," he says "I'm rusty though, it's been a while"


"Back in the '40s, there was a kid in our town named Robert. He was deaf, so he taught Steve and me sign language so we could communicate with him."

'that's sweet that you learned sign language for him'

"Yeah, well he was a nice guy, so it was the least we could do"

'Steve knows sign too'

"yep, how do you know sign?"

'I was an undercover agent, I know many forms of communications and different languages. I can even sign in different languages.'

"That's cool, no wonder you were the SHEILDS' top agent"

you nod 'I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight Barnes'

"call me Bucky"

'Goodnight Bucky'


He smiles as you head out of the room.

In the Silence (Steve Rogers x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant