A break in the case

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You wake up the next day, to an empty bed, feeling sore. Steve sure as hell made sure that he would be the one man on your mind at all times. You limp to the bathroom and go about your business, stopping when you see your reflection in the mirror. Your chest and neck are littered with hickeys. You look down to see them all over your thighs too. You groan knowing damn well they won't be gone before you head back to the compound. You head out to the bedroom and throw on Steve's shirt. Once you're covered you head downstairs to the kitchen where Steve is making breakfast wearing nothing but his boxers.

"You're so immature," you say

"Good morning to you too," He says platting pancakes, before turning to look at you, his eyes roaming your bare legs before meeting yours. "What are you on about?"

"You left hickey's all over me!"

He smirks, approaching you. One of his hands finds your waist and the other traces the bruising on your neck.

"Just making sure everyone knows you're mine, especially Joe," He says

"Isn't that what the wedding ring is for?"

"I figured this would be more effective"

You groan whacking his shoulder and he chuckles

"Let's eat, shall we?" he says leading you to the table.

He pulls out you're chair and you sit down, he brings over two plates and sets one down in front of you.

"Thank you" you say and he smiles

After Steve goes to work you decide to do some investigating on your own. You know Steve has been poking around at his job and getting a feel for people, but so far he's come up empty.

You get changed into a dress with long puffy sleeves and use makeup to cover the hickeys that still show.

Once ready, you head outside and start walking around. During the work day, most homes are empty, so you look into windows to look for anything unusual. You're just about to give up when you see a glow coming from Joe and Margaret's basement window. You sneak over, lean down and look in. You see Joe talking on the phone holding a glowing stone-like thing in his hand, you pull away staying hidden behind the wall. You put your hand on the wall and center your focus, allowing your senses to take over. You can hear a muffled version of the conversation.

"Yeah," Joe says "Friday at 12:30 a.m... I don't know, let's just meet in the alley behind the grocery store...Yeah, the cheap ass dump has no cameras... Relax, you're not going to get caught... How do I know? Because I've done a lot of these and I've never been caught before... No, the only change is a new married couple across the street... No, they're too busy fucking like rabbits to be any bother... Bring 100,000 cash... That's the final offer, you wanna go elsewhere? Fine, good luck finding another alien egg...that's what I thought... See you then"

He hangs up and you slip away heading back home. You shoot a quick message off to Fury (Who's contact is under Dad for the mission) to meet that evening.

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