Another mission

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T.W: talk of Assault, trauma

"She is not going out in the field, she hasn't trained in six years" Steve shouts

"That's not entirely true though, is it Y/N?" Fury says looking at you.

You know the question is rhetorical, but you still shake your head. Your stomach drops as you remember all the fights Hydra put you through.

"What?" Tony asks shocked

"Did Hydra use you as a weapon?" Steve asks

You shake your head.

"Oh Shit" Bucky mumbles "Were you a..."

You nod holding back tears. Bucky stands up, walking around the table, he pulls you to your feet and wraps you in his arms.

"What is going on?" Tony asks

Bucky peers down at you in his arms but you keep your face tucked into his chest.

"There were three categories in Hydra. There were the weapons, which I was in, the lab rats and lastly the fighters. The fighters were used for hydras entertainment. If they found a prisoner was no longer of use to them, they would throw them into a ring and make them fight to the death. They would make bets on who would win. If the prisoners refused, they were beaten and made to suffer before being thrown back into the ring."

"I'm really sorry that happened to you Y/N" Fury says "But you're needed on this mission, you're our best agent."

"You are not having her go on a mission" Tony snaps

You sit back down and stare at the table.

"I'll do it" you say

"No you won't" Tony yells

"Well you don't get to make decisions for her" Fury states "Rogers, you will also be going on the mission"

Fury tosses you and Steve a file.

"Study up, you're both going undercover," Fury says before walking out of the room.

"Y/N..." Tony starts

"Stop" You interrupt. "I'm doing this, and I know you don't want me to, but that doesn't matter right now. I want my life back, if I don't go back to the way things were before, then Hydra won. They succeeded in ruining my life and breaking me. I can't have that, I have spent most of my life training as an agent, I'm not going to give that up."

"I can't let you go" Tony says "I just can't"

"Yeah, well that's not your call to make" you reply.

You pick up the file and walk out of the conference room.

Tony turns to Steve.

"Come on, you were on my side." Tony says "Say something"

Steve shakes his head. "She's right, it's her call and it's her life that she's trying to get back."

"No!" Tony yells "She can't go, she can't. I can't lose her too, not again"

"I know you're scared Stark, but I promise you, I will take good care of her. I won't let anything happen to her." Steve reassures.

"This is ridiculous" Tony snaps before walking out.

Later, you hear a knock at your door.

"Go away Tony, I'm not doing this with you right now," you yell.

"It's not Tony" You hear

You open the door to see Steve standing there.

"You ok?" He asks

you nod "I'm fine"

"Can I come in?" He asks

You open the door wider, stepping out of the way. He steps into the room and closes the door.

"So..." He says "We're married"

"What?" You reply

He lifts the file in his hand and smirks. "Newlyweds to be precise."

You shake your head and smile "I guess we are, Ryan"

"Well then Wren, I think I should probably give you this" He holds up a ring. "Fury gave me the wedding rings"

You see he's already wearing his.

"What, you're not going to get down on one knee?" You tease

"Whatever was I thinking?" He laughs

He gets down on one knee making you laugh.

"Y/N, will you do me the honors and be my fake wife? Letting us live a fake life together as Wren and Ryan?" He asks

"hmm... I guess so" You say, making him laugh as he slips the band around your finger.

"I couldn't have asked for a better reply," He says

"and I couldn't have asked for a better proposal" You tease.

He stares at you for a moment before clearing his throat.

"Well, I should get going. We should both get to bed, we have a big day ahead of us." He says

You nod wishing him a goodnight and closing the door after he leaves.

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