First day of work

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Short chapter

The next morning Steve wakes up to see that you're gone. He gets out of bed and throws on his boxers and a pair of sweatpants, forgoing a shirt in the rush to find you. He heads to the kitchen where he sees you making breakfast with your back to him. He stands and watches you cook for a moment. It's clear you've been up for a while, your hair is pulled into a messy bun and you're wearing a sun dress.

"Are you going to just stand there and watch, or are you going to come eat?" You say plating the food.

Steve smirks and approaches you, taking the plates and putting them on the table. You turn to look at him, flushing when you realize he's shirtless.

"I'm gonna go grab a shirt, I was just curious as to where you went." He says heading back to the room.

You nod and fill two mugs with coffee. Steve comes back now wearing a shirt. You place the mugs on the table and take a seat. Steve sits across from you. You wish you could talk about last night as Steve and Y/N but instead, you're stuck playing Ryan and Wren.

"Your first day of work today, how are you feeling?" You ask

"Ready" He replies

you nod.

"Good" you say.

"What about you?" He asks "What do you have today"

"My new boss sent over a few things for me to look over."

He nods

"Any deadlines?" He asks

"None yet"

"Good, then I'd like to take you out tonight. Like a first married people obviously"

"Obviously" You tease "I would love that"

"Good, I'll make reservations today"

You smile. His watch beeps and he looks down at it.

"I've got to get ready and get to work"

You nod. He stands up and starts to grab his dishes.

"Leave them, I'll get them," You say standing up

He nods heading to the bedroom to get ready. You cleared the table and are just finishing drying the dishes when Steve reappears ready to go. He walks over to you and places a kiss on your cheek. You smile and turn to fully face him. He stares at you for a moment before kissing you. You kiss him back and he wraps his arms around your waist, your hands going to his shoulders. His tongue runs along your lips and you open up for him. His tongue finds yours and he immediately dominates you. After a few minutes he pulls away.

"If I keep going I won't be able to leave" He chuckles

You laugh placing a quick kiss on his lips before pulling away. You say your goodbyes and he leaves while you finish your cleanup before going to your home office and starting to work.

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