Time is ticking

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The song ends and you begin to leave.

"Where are you off to?" The man questions

"Lady's room," you say "Save me a dance for when I get back?"

"Of course"

You head off to the washrooms, slipping into the men's room when no one is looking. You see Steve, kneeling over the bomb.

"What's taking so long?" You ask

"You talked!" He says

"Yes, now let's not make a big deal about it right now. What's the hold-up?"

"I can't figure out how to disable it, I've never seen something like this before."

"Move over," You say kneeling down beside him.

You pop open the back of the bomb and rip out a wire, shutting it down.

"You made that look entirely too easy," Steve says.

You smile "Come on, let's go. We have a party of criminals to attend to"

You and Steve stand up. You crush the bomb beyond repair and you both head back to the gala. As you walk back into the main room you are pulled to the dance floor by the same man as before. He leads you in a dance and you sign to Steve to find Nat. Steve nods and begins searching for her. You're partway through the dance when a team of SHEILD agents burst in and begin arresting people. The man you are dancing with turns you so your back is to his chest, his hand grips your neck tightly and you feel a gun being pushed to your head.

just great you think as you cling to his hand around your neck, trying to get some relief to your airways. You discreetly put your leg between his, wrapping your foot around one of his ankles. You pull his leg out from under him grabbing his gun at the same time. He falls back and struggles against you for the gun, he punches you in the face just as you were about to get the gun and you stumble back a little. The gun goes off and you manage to get it away from him, pointing it at him as he raises his hands in surrender.

"And here I was thinking we were going to have a wild night," He says to you as the SHEILD agents cuff him and take him away.

You hand over the gun to an agent and immediately feel someone at your side. You turn to see Steve and he puts his hands on your shoulder applying pressure.

"Can we get a medic over here" He yells towards the agents.

You look at your shoulder just now realizing you've been shot.

You shake your head. "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

You rip one of the sleeves of your dress and use your powers to pull the bullet out, wincing a bit as you do. You then tie the sleeve around the wound.

"Are you crazy, Y/N you got shot." Steve says "You shouldn't have been here, you haven't been cleared for fieldwork"

You smile "You sound like Tony" you tease

Steve's demeanour lightens and a smile tugs at his lips "Alright, low blow" he laughs

"Wanda's waiting in a car out front, where's Nat?"

"She was out helping Bucky and Sam."

"Let's go then, let SHEILD handle the rest."

Steve nods following you out, on the way out you feel a little dizzy and stumble a bit, Steve catches you with his arm around your waist.

"I'm fine" you say

"At least let me help you to the car."

You think for a moment before nodding. When you get to the car you feel a little groggy, and Steve slips in the back beside you. You place your head on his shoulder and slowly feel your eyes closing.

"Stay with me Y/N" Steve says

"I just need to close my eyes for a minute" you reply.

The last thing you remember is Steve telling Wanda to hurry back to the compound.

In the Silence (Steve Rogers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now