A brotherly threat

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Steve's POV

I'm working out in the training room when I hear Tony come in. I put down the weights and look over at him.

"Hey Stark," I say

Tony ignores me and shoves me into a wall, he holds me there, fisting my shirt. I could easily get away, but I figure I'll hear him out.

"If you hurt her, I will kill you." Tony snarls

"I won't hurt her Tony"

"That kid has gone through so much, she is finally back to normal and the last thing she needs is you setting her back"

The door opens and Y/N walks through. She looks shocked at the scene in front of her.

"Tony, what the fuck?" She yells.

She storms over to us grabbing the back of his shirt and yanking him off.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" She says looking at him.

"We were just having a chat" Tony says before walking away.

"We're not done talking about this Tony!" she calls after him.

She turns to me

"I'm sorry about him" She says

"It's alright" I tell her "I'm happy you have someone who cares so much about you. Other than me of course."

She smiles and I wrap my arms around her waist. Her arms go around my shoulders and I lean in and kiss her. She kisses back and I pull away smiling.

"So I take it Tony found out about us" I joke.

Her face flushes and she presses it to my shoulder, groaning.

"He saw the security footage of you carrying me into the bedroom" She says sounding embarrassed.

Now it's my turn to flush.

"Oh" I say "I guess that explains his behaviour a bit more now"

She lets out an awkward laugh before I pull back to look at her.

"Now that we're home," I say "I want to take you on a date, a real one. As Steve and Y/N"

She nods while smiling "I would like that"

"Good, tomorrow night? 7:00?"

"Sounds perfect!"

I kiss her again before she pulls away.

"Wanna spar?" She asks me


We walk over to the ring and climb in.

"No going easy on me" she says

I put my hands up in mock surrender and she laughs. We start sparring and I end up on the ground with her under me. I lower my face closer to hers and kiss her before pulling back to admire her. She fits perfectly under my body and I can't help but think how lucky I am to have her.

I'm gonna marry this girl one day, for real this time.

A.N: Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been updating much. I've been really busy but also I have lost all inspiration for this story. I will keep it going though, I have an ending I like I'm just not sure how to get there, lol story of my life. My next story is in the works, I'm prewriting some of it so I can release weekly, the story line is better and the chapters are longer so stay tuned.

I also received a question on my message board, but Wattpad won't allow me to access it, so from now on, please leave any questions in the comments. To answer that question though, the only other place I write is on commaful and those are just poems.

Hope you enjoyed

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