The mission

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A few weeks have gone by and you're slowly letting your guard down around the avengers. You were starting to feel normal again, Tony had even brought your old things out of storage and put them in your room. You couldn't believe he had kept them, but he said he had never given up hope.

You wake up one morning to find Sam, Nat, Steve, and Bucky getting ready.

'What's going on?' you sign

"we have an undercover mission," Steve says as he puts on a hat.

You shake your head 'Please tell me that's not your disguise'

"What's wrong with the disguises?" Steve asks

"I have been saying we've been needing to upgrade them." Nat says "besides, you can't were a ball cap to a gala"

"Fair point," Steve says defeatedly taking off his hat.

You smile, grabbing Nat's arm and pulling her out of the room. You bring her into your room and motion for her to sit on the bed. She takes a seat and you pull a box out of your closet. It had been a while, six years to be precise. You were shocked to see that this box had been saved, then again maybe Tony didn't look through it. You open it pulling out wigs, prosthetics, makeup, and costumes.

You get started, handing Nat brown contacts for her to put in. You put a brown wig on her when she's done, adding prosthetics to her cheekbones and nose. Doing her makeup to overline her lips and define her face even more. You hand her a gown, and a corset to change her body shape. She puts them on and you help do them up before taking a step back and smiling. You drag her to a mirror and watch as her eyes widen when she sees herself.

"Holy shit, your good at that"

Your smile grows even wider as you drag her downstairs. You stop her partway down the stairs, motioning for her to stay. You head down to the others.

"Where's Nat" Bucky asks.

You do a drum roll on the railing and Nat comes down the rest of the way, everyone's mouth drops as they see her.

"Well shit" Sam says

Everyone stares at her, well everyone but Steve. His eyes are too preoccupied with you. He admires your smile and the energy radiating off of you, he couldn't wait to hear you speak for the first time, he wanted to hear your voice.

"Steve has to go in too, can you give him a new look?" Sam asks

You nod, motioning for Steve to follow you. You go up to your bedroom, grabbing the box again. He stands awkwardly in the middle of the room.

'take a seat'

He sits on the edge of your bed, he looks extremely uncomfortable.

'you're wound a little tight, aren't you?'

"A little" He chuckles.

You hand him green contacts and he puts them in.

'I have no male wigs, I do however have temporary hair dye'


You nod, putting the brown coloring in his hair. When that's done you add on a prosthetic nose and then hand him a suit from your closet.

"You didn't have a wig for me, but you have a suit?"

You smile as you reminisce 'I made it for my brother, I've never been good with measurements and made it way too big. He wore it anyway to make me feel better, but he looked like a kid playing dress-up with his dad's clothes. It should fit you'

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