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You wake up in the Med bay and your eyes struggle to adjust to the bright light. You look down at your shoulder seeing it bandaged up. You sit there for a moment trying to recall everything.

"Hey, you're up"

You turn to see Steve just waking up in the chair beside your bed.

"What happened?" I ask

"You were shot at the gala and lost a lot of blood. The blood loss mixed with the fact that you're still underweight caused you to pass out."

"How long have I been out?"

"Three days"

My eyes widen "Where's Tony"

"We just got him to go to bed and get a goodnights rest, he was here for three days"

you nod

"How long have you been here?" You ask

"Three days"

"So, who's going to convince you to go get some sleep?"

"Well, I made a deal with Stark. I told him if he went and slept in a bed tonight I would stay here, and tomorrow I would sleep in a bed and he would stay here."

You nod "Then I guess it's your lucky day, now that I'm up, you can go to bed."

He shakes his head smiling "You know what, I don't think I can do that. You see I gave my word to Stark that I would stay here." he teases

You laugh and he joins.

"But seriously," he says "I'm not leaving...unless you really want me to, I don't want to make you uncomfortable"

"You're adorable"

"And you are high on morphine, so I'm going to try to not let that get my hopes up."

you shake your head "Morphine doesn't work on me"


"I burn it off too quickly"

"Burn it off"

"Yeah, my temperature is like abnormally high. Like if anyone else had a temperature as hot as mine it would be because they were on fire."

He laughs "You are so high right now, you aren't even making sense."

"No seriously, grab a thermometer and I'll prove it."

Steve smiles shaking his head. He stands up and grabs a thermometer and you take it putting it in your mouth and waiting. When it's finished you pull it out and it reads 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit) you show it to Steve with an I told you so smirk.

"How is that possible" He asks

"I was born with powers, no clue how, but I can create fire, sense things and I have enhanced senses"

"So if you really are burning off the morphine, that means..."

"I really do think you're adorable"

Steve smiles

"you're pretty adorable yourself" he replies

You laugh a little.

"Now can you go get some sleep?" You say

"I have been, you know this chair is actually pretty comfortable, aside from the neck cramps."

you nod "Oh yeah, I figured that tiny chair would be comfortable for a super soldier. In fact, I even have money on it"

Steve laughs. You both sit there in a moment of silence. You stare up at the ceiling.

"What's on your mind?" Steve asks

"Do you think they would mind if I left?"


"If I left? I mean I feel fine, its not that big of a deal" you say sitting up.

"Woah, slow your roll." Steve says standing up and coming over to you "Stark would kill me if I let you leave. What's wrong with the hospital room?"

"It's too big, and the bed is too squishy and it's just not what I'm used to"

"You've been sleeping in a bed in a room bigger than this for the past few weeks."

You stay silent.

"Right?" He asks

"Not quite"

"What do you mean not quite?"

"I may have been sleeping in the closet. Well if you could really call it sleeping."

"The closet, on the floor?"

you nod "Weird huh?"

"No" he says "Should have known, you seemed to have adjusted too quickly. It was hard for me too, after serving in the war. Bucky had it especially bad, being in the war and hydra."

You nod. Silence sets in.

"soooo." You say. "What were you saying about not getting your hopes up?"

"Oh no" He says with a smile while shaking his head. "I mean...I don't know what you're talking about, you must be delirious from the blood loss."

You giggle. "Does Captain Rogers like me?" You tease

"You know, you have a beautiful voice, it's a shame that now that you finally using it, it's to make fun of me."

You smile, and just stare at him.

"Alright, I'll drop it. If we're both staying here tonight, will you at least come lay down?" you say

"In bed...with you?"

"Why not? There's enough room."

"I mean, is know... acceptable?"

"Steve, you're not in the 40s anymore."

"Right." he nods

He stands up, slowly approaching the bed.

"Are you sure?" He asks

"Yes, now get in here" you say scooching over.

He gets in the bed and you both shift until you get in a comfortable position. You rest you're head on his shoulder, and close your eyes.

In the Silence (Steve Rogers x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant