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The next day while Steve is at work, you decide to get some gardening done. You know you'll hopefully be heading back home at the start of next week, but you wanted to keep busy in the time being. Lets just say that you're career as an at home editor was extremely slow. You're outside planting some flowers when you sense your neighbour near by.

You look up to see Joe approaching so you stand up and brush your hands off on your leggings and tank top.

"Hey Wren" He greets

"Hey Joe! What's up?"

"Just came by to say hi"

"Where's Margret?"

"She went to visit her family for the week."

"You didn't want to go too?"

"I had work to do"

you nod.

"But I'm free right now" He says

You nod and give him an awkward smile. "That's good, everyone needs some free time"

"Well, I was actually hoping you could help me fill that time"

He steps closer to you and you get nervous and back up. He continues to approach you so you reach to your side and grab a potted plant and shove it into his arms.

"Actually I can, you can help me garden." You say

Joe looks down at the plant and snickers. "Actually, I had something else in mind."

Just then a car door slams and you look up to see Steve.

"Ryan" you say

Joe turns around to see Steve approaching. Steve stands beside you, putting an arm around your waist. You look up to see his jaw clenched.

"Joe" Steve says with a nod

"Ryan, you're home early" Joe says

"Yeah, my afternoon meeting got cancelled, so I decided to come home and spend time with my wife" Steve says putting emphasis on wife.

Joe nods.

"Now," Steve starts. "You can show yourself home"

Joe nods, turning around and heading home.

Steve turns to you, his eyes full of anger.

"get in the house" he demands

"What?" You say

"You heard me"

"What about you?"

"I'll be in in a minute, I need to blow off some steam before I punish you, I wouldn't want to hurt you too badly"

"Punish?" You whisper

"Yes, now get inside"

Sorry about the cliff hanger, I'll try to update again tomorrow.

Also, I've narrowed my next story down, it can play out to be a love story with Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, or Sam Wilson. LMK what you think.

In the Silence (Steve Rogers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now