afraid of

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"What do you mean I need to improv lines? There's scripted scene," I questioned.

"Obviously it's there, how would I have gotten it past the execs if I didn't have something scripted? It's not like I can say, improvised scene and hope they'll take the plot. But it was never my intent in having this scene be read by the script. It'll sound too unnatural and awkward. My biggest pet peeve in shows and films are the drunk scenes that are too scripted. Out of any scene, that's the one that should be played out normally. Because it either overdramatizes it or underplays it," Jungkook clicked his tongue in distaste.

"But it won't be natural if I'm not drunk anyway," I said.

"We can arrange that. I've got bottles here if you'd like to drink actual alcohol," he retorted.

I sighed, "No thanks."

"Come on, one-take wonder. Let's see that Konkuk skill. It's no different than what you've been doing. You just have to rely on instinct," Jungkook urged.

I glanced unsurely at Hoseok who merely shrugged at me. Jungkook was one of the best in his field for a reason but this was a bit of a daunting task. It's easy to translate a script into a natural form of speaking but to completely improvise a scene that's coherent and structured is another ballgame.

I knew better than to argue with the director, so I just got into place, trying to think of things to say and do that would fit the time frame of the scene without seeing awkward.

"Don't overthink it, Moon. You're drunk because you and your best friend had a fight. Tap into that emotion. And just to make this more fun for me, if anyone says a line that's in the script, we'll redo the whole scene again," Jungkook seemed to take pleasure in others' pain.

My jaw dropped. Damn he was not kidding around today. It had been a long day of filming for everyone and I could see it on everyone's face that they wanted to go home. I was not about to be the reason they couldn't, so I steeled myself, ready to improvise the hell out of this scene.

"Ready?" Hoseok mouthed.

I nodded, unsure of who I was trying to convince.


"Bartender! I need another one...hehe...more more more."

"Uh...when is your caretaker coming?" He asked awkwardly.

"Who? Oh you mean Siwoo...hehe...pretty Siwoo. Where is heeee? I need to kiss his pretty face. Hehe."

There was a gentle hand placed on the small of my back, gingerly taking me away from the bar counter.

"Heyyy! I'm trying to order a drink. I'm single-handedly paying this guy's rent," I frowned, blearily looking for my assailant.

"Sorry about her. Thanks for calling, I'll take it from here," a deep voice said.

In one fell swoop, I felt myself swept off my feet, into the strong arms of someone else.

"Hey, put me down!" I yelled, beating on the chest of the man. "I'm being kidnapped!"

The man sighed, "No she's not. I'm her boyfriend."

"What? My boyfriend is Siwoo," I pouted. "My pretty Siwoo."

"Open your eyes, love," he warmly said, sending a satisfying chill through my spine.

I blinked a couple of times, gingerly poking the face of the man.

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