Chapter 10

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I highly recommend reading Court of the vampire queen by Katee Robert.
Really good.


"You're overthinking this," Castiel sighs. With a harsher tone he says, "Again."
We move back into that steady rhythm that only seems to last a few seconds before my body swings over his shoulder and my back slams into the thin mat that doesn't seem to make the damage any less than it would be if I hit the actual floor.

He extends his arm and pulls me up. I roll my shoulder, but that doesn't take the pain away. "We've been going at this for hours, I'm never going to get strong enough."

"Lesson one," Wesley's oh-so-sexy voice pipes in, "don't give up."

"I'm not giving up, I'm stating a fact."

"Believe or not, we all started out like you. Flimsy noodles with less than an ounce of real strength in us. Yeah we had man muscles, but that's an apple seed compared to us now," Christian responded.
"Give it time, little one. You'll get there."

Little one. Over the last couple days, I've grown more of a fondness for Christian rather than the sarcastic annoyance his presence once brought me. Wesley returning to New York changed everything.
Now Christian has a unique nickname for me, Jacob and I have begun training that has hardly had a different outcome, and I feel as useless as I ever have.

"Go again," Castiel says.
I focus all my energy into getting at least a punch in, which I've had zero success doing the last few days. I've noticed a pattern in Castiel's fighting, and that is that there is no pattern. That sounds strange, I know. He always strikes differently and never repeats the same moves in the same manner. The time before this he shot me with his leg, the time before that his left arm. So I come to the conclusion he'll begin with his right.

A huge wave of excitement jolts through me when I become right. He does strike with his right arm first. My excitement roars even higher when I manage to hit him square in the jaw with a left hook.
He stumbles, a chuckle on his lips. "Well done, Terra." My win is short lived when he unexpectedly grabs my arm and whirls me around in a flip as my back once again slams into the floor.

"Asshole," I curse in Spanish.

He laughs. "Sweetheart, I'm fluent in seven different languages. Test me," he says.

"Cassie, I was just beginning to like you."

He helps me up, a smirk still on his face. "Don't get used to it, I'm not the likable type, darling."

I begin to feel a subtle anger, and a smirk curves it's way onto my lips. I close the distance between us, which seems to shock him.
"Terra," rings out Wesley's voice in a low growl. I smirk even wider. He hates this as much as Castiel fears it.

And then I attack. Grabbing his shoulders I jump, my legs wrapping around his neck. I lean over his shoulder diagonally, pulling his body down. Before he hits the floor where we moved away from the safety of the mat, I roll and land without a thud. He, however, after being flipped over face-plants the smooth concrete floor.
Castiel gets up, recovering quickly with a genuine smile.

"That is the best you've done," he says as he hugs me.
I flinch. "Don't worry, no unexpected surprises. I think we're done for the day."

"Thank god." I let my body slump into his.

"Are you okay?"

"Just tired," I respond.

"I got you."
He carried me over to a chair and left, returning a couple minutes later with a bottle of water. I down it.

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