Chapter 23

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I'm so tired


"Ha! I win, again," I taunt. "That's ten for me and three for you."

Wesley chuckled, "You weren't kidding."

"Nope, I'm the queen of chess." A few weeks have passed since the wedding. Our days have been full of sightseeing, games, lots of wine, sex, and amazing food.
We decided to take our honeymoon elsewhere. So we packed our bags and got on a plane to a place I've always wanted to go: the lovely city of Rio.

"You can be the queen of whatever you want, as long as you're my queen."

"You're so cute."

He got up, pulling me with him. "Let's make lunch."
He smacked my ass as we walked inside the cabin he rented for us near the water. I giggled. I have loved these last few weeks. Rio is such a beautiful place, and I learned to speak Spanish as part of my schooling as a child so I've wanted to travel to Brazil for years. It's stunning mountains, beaches, parties, people, and it's impossible not to mention the huge Christ statue overlooking the entire city.  While I'm not a strong believer in religion, you can't help but not notice the beautiful architecture of the statue.

As Wesley began cooking chicken wings, my phone went off. I hadn't gotten a call in a few days, and it was just Isabelle wanting to know how everything was going and if we'd torn down the bedroom of this place yet. Surprise, it's not Twilight.
However, I couldn't find it. Two more calls went through before I finally found it between cushions in the couch.

I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Terra," it was Christian.


"I think you guys might want to come home."

"Why? Who's dead, Christian?" Wesley's head snapped up.

"Who's dead? No one's dead, Terra. But I do think you might want to come home so you can meet your nieces."

I nearly dropped my phone. "Tessa's in labor? She's not even due yet!"

"The doctors said that twins often come early, it's not unusual. She's only a few weeks away from her due date, they say the twins will be fine. But they have to do a c-section."

"Why? Women give birth to twins fine all the time. My mother did."

"Just a minor complication, don't worry about it. They know what they're doing. Now come home, Tess is going to want to see you when she wakes up."

"We're on our way" I squealed. Wesley already began packing, and soon we were off to New York.


The entire time I didn't stop blabbing about my excitement. I'm getting nieces! I'm pretty sure I made Wesley regret coming from Europe to attend my first wedding.
We landed, and rushed off the plane. The car Christian said would be waiting for us was sitting outside, with a familiar face leaned against it.

"Welcome home, lovely," the warm Canadian accent enveloped me. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Cassie. So good to see you, though I do hate my time spent in Rio was cut short. My devilish nieces couldn't have stayed all warm and cozy inside my sister just a smidge longer?"

He chuckled, "Nope. The girls want to come out now, which reminds me, we need to go. The doctors said it won't be long before Tessa wakes up."
He helped Wesley put our luggage in the trunk, and then he drove us to the hospital. He led us up to Tessa's room where Christian was quietly sitting beside her, a small bundle of pink in his arms, the other in my sister's.

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