Chapter 12

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My cat: *coughs*
Me: *completely fan-girling*
But fr, the cutest sound ever. I adore him.

Do y'all have any pets?


I groaned, turning onto my side, and my eyes met piercing blue ones.

"Oh my god," I gasped, then let out a longer groan.

"That good, huh?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Seriously, Wesley? I'm going to punch you."

"I believe that's my job," a third voice said. I felt the vibrating of Christians hard chest against my back as he spoke.
"Anyways, we should probably talk. And not in a bed while we're all naked. So, uh, meet you two downstairs."

He left, leaving me and Wesley. I sat up, and winced slightly.
"Sore?" He asked. I nodded.

"No," he whispered, cursing under his breath. "You're a virgin."

"Uh, I thought that was a very open and out-there detail?"

"I hadn't been in the states for years. So no, I didn't know that, and now I completely regret being so rough with you last night. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I say softly.

"Come on, I'll help you shower." I hadn't realized the extent of the pain until I had stood up from the bed, ultimately resulting in him carrying me. I had the strength to stand in the shower, but my eyes widened when I noticed him getting in.

"Um. You're showering with me."


"I can shower by myself," I say as I cross my arms. His gaze drops, darkening as he stared at my chest.
"My eyes are up here." I use my hand to force his face to look at mine.

He smirks. "Sweetheart, if you're going to love me, you're going to have to know that I'm dominant," he slowly came towards me until my back hit the wall. It's a large shower, it could probably fit Christian, Tessa, and Jacob in here as well.
"I don't take well to being told what to do."

"Well that's something you'll have to get used to." I didn't know where that came from, I'd never talked dirty to anyone, I hadn't ever even kissed anyone besides that guy at the club on my birthday.
I had no experience and yet here I was testing a six-something feet tall man.

He chuckled, "If you think last night made you sore, you have another thing coming. Because next time when I'm done with you, your voice will be gone and your legs will be numb."
A swirl of excitement flowed through me, a smile making its way onto my face. He slammed my hands against the wall with one of his, the other hand twisting me around so my back was to him.

I felt his chest against my back, a slow rising and falling motion. One hand still locking mine up, his other slithered around my throat, like a snake, pulling my head back a little so he had complete access to my neck. His lips kissed my skin softly, and I let out a soft and quiet moan. He then pressed his lips to mine. Not in a hungry and sexual manner, but a soft and sweet one. He pulled back, and turned me to face him again, dropping my hands.
"This feels great. And Terra."
"I'm in love with you too."

I pull him closer to me, engaging in another kiss. After a few moments, I pull away.
"Christian is probably suspecting different actions right now. We should go."

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