Chapter 21

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It's storming in the south for the first time in months.


"Mes filles!" My daughters. Isabelle cries as she enters the room. I hadn't left Tessa. I was up the entire night watching, making sure she was okay and that we were safe. I nearly killed a plant because I thought it was a person.
"How on earth did this happen?"

"Mom," Christian begins sadly. "He infiltrated our home."

"That's it," Carlos says. "You all are staying with us until this is over."

I refused. "We build a safe house. Somewhere Leo can't track down. We can use Wolfe's help, he knows how to find a speck of dirt in a room of fifteen hundred people. Reverse it, and he can use his skills to help us make something untraceable. Tessa will stay there."

"What? No!" Tessa argues.

"We have to keep you safe, fille."

"They're right, Tess," Christian tells her.

"I will not be hidden away like a coward just because I'm pregnant. I am just as much a part of this family and capable as any one of you. And that means I am not hiding in a safe house, damnit."

"You forgot the stubborn part," Carlos chuckles. "Very well, sweetheart. Looks like we are going to Andorra."
Wesley secured everyone a flight on his private jet for that night, but it had to be moved to the following morning. The nurses didn't want to risk anything still affecting Tessa or the babies, which we learned were both girls from the ultrasound.

"Granddaughters," Isabelle said dreamily. "It's a blessing. Especially since I had no daughters of my own!"

"Thank you so much, mom," Christian replied sarcastically.
The flight totaled to eight hours. We would get there around sunset in New York time, but it would be nearly three in the morning in Andorra.

The flight was long. Tessa and I mostly slept the whole way, but halfway through we had horrible turbulence. The pilot temporarily thought we may crash, but was able to resolve the issue. We arrived in Andorra hours later.
It's a small country in the valley of the Pyrenees mountains surrounded by France and Spain. The jet landed in the Escalades, not far from our destination: La Vella.

"It's beautiful," I whispered to Wesley as we drove through the city. Snow covered the streets. Spring was just beginning in New York, but here it was still a crystalline white. A river of solid ice ran through the middle, a bridge with sparkling letters announcing tourists of where they've entered.

"You said you wanted to leave New York, well love, you've left." He wrapped his arm around me and placed a delicate kiss on my forehead.
We reached the hotel, thank god. Everyone was exhausted from jet lag, and I was especially thankful for the clean smell. Tessa had puked at least three times, once accidentally on the empty seat in front of her.

After we slept halfway through the morning, we all got breakfast. There were many of us here. Wesley, Christian, Isabelle, Carlos, Tessa, Castiel, and Wolfe and I, plus our guards.
Walking through the city, we had to be careful to avoid drawing the attention of Leo, who could be anywhere. The best part about hiding in La Vella was that it had the largest population in Andorra of over twenty thousand. A person could easily hideout anywhere within the city.

We didn't know exactly where Leo resided, and the whole point of coming here was to determine just that. Wolfe could get a more accurate location if he was in closer range, not that he needed proximity to get an accurate location, but it could definitely help.
The city was beautifully decorated with garlands, trees, lights, and ribbons of red and green. In the center was a huge church with a bell tower, and in the front stood a large white tree covered in ornaments and memories of citizens.

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