Chapter 15

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My cat's mad at me because I shook his leg yelling 'chicken leg.'


I looked over unto my brother's coffin as I laid a white rose on it. A swelling formed in my chest. My incisions have become nothing more than mere scars, and Wesley still has not discovered who was responsible.
Tessa and I tried to reach our mother to tell her Jacob is dead, but it didn't even go through to voicemail. We sent emails and letters, and an invitation to his funeral. I guess I shouldn't have expected either of them to show up, but he's their son. You'd figure they'd want to be here.

"And it is with a heavy heart, that by the grace of God, we relinquish Jacob into Heaven, where he will not only join our ancestors, but where he will also find peace."
The priest closed his bible, and the guests began to leave. The loud crinkling of the chains blew my eardrums as they lowered his coffin into the ground. We turned and left my brother to be buried six feet down.

As soon as we entered the house, I flopped down onto the couch.
"Tessa, can you get some vodka from the liquor cabinet?"

"Sure. Just take it easy."
She returned and I opened the bottle. I drank half before the funeral, though apparently it didn't do it's job.

There was a knock on the door, and Christian opened it. One of Wesley's new bodyguards, Matthew, entered with a manila envelope. A woman with black hair, dark brown eyes, red lips, and tanned skin, followed in behind him.
"I think you would like to see this."

Christian opened the envelope and froze. "Wesley."
Wesley looked at what was inside.

"Where and when was this?"

"Here, two weeks ago. Around the same time as your crash," the woman said with what I recognized as a Spanish accent.

"What is it?" Tessa asked, her voice filled with concern.
Wesley handed her the photos. They were of our father.

"Wait, he's in New York?" I asked.

"Yes," the woman replied.

"Good work, Sage," Christian told her. So this is Sage, the person he sent to Italy to track down my father.

"You said he got here around the time of the crash. What are you implying?" Tessa asked them.

"We're implying that he somehow may have been involved," Matthew answered.
Would he really kill his own son? The short answer would be yes. My father is heartless, and although he's always shown favoritism with Jacob and Tessa, he's never cared for them.

"There's no way he could've orchestrated this himself," Castiel said. "He had help."

"We have many enemies, it'll take some time before we can find out who. Hell, he could've allied himself with all of our enemies," Christian added.

"That'd make things easier," Wesley responded. "Just means we kill all of them."
However, nothing's ever easy. And my father is too smart to do that anyway.

Wesley and Christian spoke to each other in hushed voices, then thanked Matthew and Sage as they left. Castiel and Christian left, making me question what exactly my boyfriend and still-husband just spoke about, though I could hardly think straight as the vodka worked it's magic. And when I laid my head back, I passed out.

I woke up to a black sky. Wesley wasn't in bed, so I got up and roamed the house for him. I found him in his office with Christian, Castiel, and-to my discomfort- Wolfe.
"Oh, sorry. I'll let you finish."

"No," Wesley said. "It's okay, you can stay. This is about your dad."
I sat down on the black leather cushioned chair near his desk. I was sure I didn't look my finest right now as I was wearing sweats and dealing with a slight hangover.

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