Chapter 13

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I have returned with severe exhaustion from school. Thank god I'll be done in another year.
Until, ya know, I gotta deal with college. If any of you are in college, is it better or worse than high school? Cause I really would like to know.


I walked down the stairs humming to Clarity. I jumped from the last stair to the floor for absolutely no reason at all, then bumped right into Castiel.
"Hey, Cassie."

"Ah, just who I wanted to see. How's my pretty girl?"
I smiled. Castiel calls me pet names because I call him Cassie. He figured if I can call him something other than his nickname, so can he. The best thing about it is that it has no meaning and the difference is good. 'T' is overrated.

"Hm, let's see. My boyfriend has healed and hasn't been attacked in a week, so I guess I'd say pretty good. How's my favorite bodyguard?"

"I'm your only bodyguard," he chuckles.

"True, but that's because I don't need anyone else. Just my Cassie."

"Anyways, Wesley wanted me to tell you to get dressed. There's an evening party tonight that he has been formally... requested to attend. I'm taking you to go find a dress."

"Oh. I was looking for you too, actually. I was wondering where he was."

Castiel's face turned serious. "He's doing business in the basement."

"Dean and Francis," I assumed.


"In that case, can I see?" I could tell my eyes turned dark. Francis and Dean had been trusted to protect Wesley, hired to do so, and they betrayed him.

He sighed, "As your friend I'm telling you it's a bad idea, but as your bodyguard I'm obligated to allow you to make your own decisions about your whereabouts. But I guess since Wesley's down there, yes."
I walked towards the basement door that was down a small hallway by the stairs. There was one other door but that was a half-bath. I opened the door and descended the black stairs. I expected it to look old and made from wood like most basements, but it was as neat and modern as the rest of the house.

Walking on the gray and black marble floors, I could see bloodstains. I wondered how often he held people down here.
There weren't cells like I imagined, instead, there were gray doors with small square windows. Inside, they looked like solitary confinement rooms. Dreadful. Most say solitary messes with your brain and makes you go insane from the zero human contact.

Castiel led me to the room where Francis and Dean were being held. Through the small window on the door, I could see Wesley. He wasn't at all the person he usually was with me. No. His eyes were cold, edged with darkness that blind rage lied beneath. His knuckles were covered in blood, which splattered across the concrete ground. Both Francis and Dean were in pretty rough shape, and I knew they probably had other wounds from throughout the week.
Castiel opened the door and we stepped inside. Francis and Dean looked at me with pleading eyes to set them free. They were full of fear, and I think one of them peed themself.

"What are you doing? Castiel get her out," Wesley said.

"She insisted."

"I don't care what she said-"

As Wesley kept trying to argue, I raised my voice. "Enough. I wanted to come down here so get over it."


"Please let us go," Francis looked at me and pleaded. Their hands were tied behind their backs and Dean was doubled over, blood trickling onto the ground.

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