Chapter 11

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Genuine question: Oreos or chips ahoy?


"Wes," I say again, more clearly this time. Christian would be back any moment, and I don't think he'd be thrilled to the sight of his wife and brother kissing in his kitchen.
He still stood in front of me, my back against the wall, and our faces inches apart.

"I can't, Terra. I tried, but I can't."

"Can't what?" I ask.

"Get you out of my head."

"So your internal battles, all those thoughts running through your head.. they're about me? I'm doing this to you?"

"I don't know what it is or why, but you captivate me. Every time I see those lips," he trails off as his thumb runs over my bottom lip. "I want them, Terra. I want you. It's wrong, but god, I can't help it."
Suddenly the front door opens and Christian's voice rings out. We jump, and quickly put distance between us.

Christian enters the kitchen. "Hey."

"Hi," I say with a small smile. "How was the thing?"

"It went smoothly, no obstacles. Nothing you need to worry about."
He stands beside me, his hand wrapped around my waist. All it reminds me of is when Wesley held his hands on my waist before I turned around and had him kiss me. The feeling is so different. Wesley's are rough, yet gentle at the same time, but Christian's are just soft. Both leave sparks against my skin.

"There's dinner for you leftover," I tell him. "I'll walk you out, Wes."

"Of course," Wesley replies. We leave the kitchen, and walk to the front door. He opens it, and unexpectedly pulls me out. He shuts it behind me, leaving us in a safe space.

"Wesley, this can't keep happening."

"I know. I'm sorry, it isn't fair to you and it's certainly not fair to Christian. He's trying to love you, he wants a possible future with you Terra. Who am I to ruin that?"
I stand there silently, looking down. I'm at a standstill here.

His finger lifts my chin, my eyes meeting the bright blues that twinkle in the light of the moon above.
"Do you want me?"

The question was so straightforward, I choked on my words. "Wes..."

"Please. I have to know the truth."

"I- yes. Yes, Wesley, I want you. But I'm married to Christian, and I owe it to him to try. And things are going good."

"I get it."

"But, Wesley, he isn't you," I say softly. Something flashes in his eyes and then he kisses me. His hands cupping my cheeks, the kiss is passionate with that same longing coming from the both of us. It's rushed, the two of us trying to make the most out of the couple of seconds we have.
He breaks it, his forehead resting on mine.

"Say it," he says. "I have to hear you say it."

"I think I love you."

"Promise me. Promise me that when we kill your father, that if you still don't love Christian, that you'll give me a chance."

"Wesley, I can't-"

"Please," there was such desperation in his voice. It tore my heart apart.

"I promise," I whispered. He left, and I went back inside. I walked into the kitchen, seeing Christian had finished eating.

"Wesley's quite chatty," he laughed as he put his cleaned plate in the cabinet. He turned to me, his smile falling.
"Are you okay little one?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to go get changed for bed."

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