Chapter 24

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This chapter is going to involve miscarriage, I don't advise reading if this triggers you.


~3 years later~

I stared in disbelief at the small object in my hand. I wasn't sure if I was ready to do this again. It hurt so much the first time, and more so in my heart than the actual pain.
Knocking on the door took my out of my thoughts. It was Tessa.

"What are you doing in there? It's almost time."

I quickly threw it in the trash, and then walked out of the bathroom. "Nothing, just fixing my makeup."

She eyed me suspiciously, I hate lying to her especially about something like this but today's her wedding day.
"Okay, anyways, can you help me find the girls? They're playing hide and seek and I really need my flower girls."

I laughed, "Sure. Elsie, Harper, who wants ice cream before the wedding?" I called out. I heard muffled giggling, and then the two of them stepped out from under Tessa's veil.

She looked back at me apologetically. "Thank you. It seems they like listening to their Aunt T more than their mother."

"They're three year olds, what do you expect? Toddlers don't have a very good sense of following parents' directions."

"You will make an excellent mom, T."

"Would've," I corrected.

"Hey," she took my hands in hers, "it'll happen, okay? And there's always other options."
None of us liked talking about what happened. Everyone else mainly avoided it so they didn't upset me. I still wasn't over it, and I don't think I ever will be.

We turned the mood around from my issues to finishing Tessa. Her dress was simple, sleeveless white satin that hugged her waist and flowed loosely from her hips. The top of the dress hung low to show cleavage. She wanted her long deep brown to fall over her back, so we curled it and added her sheer white veil. The girls had on little sleeveless dresses that criss-crossed in the back and tied into a little bow. The skirts made them look like ballerinas. Elsie had her hair up in a neat bun while Harper had a side ponytail, both wore white flowers in their hair.
My dress was a deep crimson red, the straps criss-crossed against my back. It was snug, and had a thigh slit.

The wedding was beautiful. We arrived, and I admired it as I walked down the aisle with the girls as they threw white rose petals everywhere. A white sheet was draped over tree branches, and fairy lights hung everywhere to illuminate the darkness of sunset. Candles were on the ground near every row of seats. The early autumn leaves of October added a beautiful contrast of color to the white setup.
When we got to where we would stand, the girls hugged their dad and then came to stand next to me. Wesley stood opposite me, and gave me a wink. It should've set my heart on fire, but it only creates anxiety.

My sister walked out, radiant as ever. I know they always talk about pregnancy glow, but no one ever talks about wedding glow. Her smile was the brightest that's ever been upon her face. The twins stared at her in awe. They looked so much alike, aside from the blue eyes they share with their father. I saw a tear fall from Christian's eye, but he quickly swiped it away.
She stood in front of Christian, their hands connected. They both repeated the words they were told by the priest, the very same one who was at both of my weddings. Oh, how ironic.

"Tessa, I know our relationship started differently than how it is now, but I love you. With everything I have, I love you. And not because we have the sweetest daughters in the world, but because you're you. Your smile when the children bounce on our bed in the morning, how your eyes glow when you're happy, the little dimple on the side of your face, and most of all your soft heart. I promise to love you, and our gorgeous girls, with my whole heart for my whole life."

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