[ 005 ] EXILE

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chapter five
act i thor

                                        THE DARKNESS OF ASGARD FILLED THE NIGHT; standing out on her balcony she looked down at the kingdom of asgard seeing the rainbow bridge in the distance from the castle semi-lighting up the night

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THE DARKNESS OF ASGARD FILLED THE NIGHT; standing out on her balcony she looked down at the kingdom of asgard seeing the rainbow bridge in the distance from the castle semi-lighting up the night.

She could have been kicked out and exiled just like Thor was known to be. Now he was trapped somewhere in Midgard, probably fighting for his life to get back to Asgard. The stars and the lines in the sky have never felt more beautiful than tonight.

Seeing the light from other buildings in asgard. "Your grace," Marceline's voice echoed in the dark night; standing in a white gown that had her shoulders showing. She didn't have any braids in her hair, she didn't deserve them yet.

Every Valkyrie fought with a braid, showing the fights that you were going to win and or won. It could be just something small or even something large on your head.

"I was requested to give you something, before you sleep" Marceline's voice was calm and nice, with the Asgardian accent running through her tongue. "If you have the moment for me to do so, your grace?"

Y/n didn't say anything; still thinking about Thor being safe along with the people of Asgard that could have gotten hurt; or get hurt for the ones ruling over them. "Farewell" Marceline simply nodded her head turning.

"No, stay" Y/n commanded, trying to grow into her own voice not knowing how to fully do so yet.

Silently Marceline took three more steps before looking out at the land of Asgard with the valkyrie.

"I ask that you Never seek to betray me, Never lie to me," She commanded not facing Marceline hating that she had to command someone to do that. But she didn't want another incident that happened today to happen again. "No matter what,"

Turning her head and looking at Y/n; who she saw was struggling to even say that. "Never..." Marceline shortly said, going silent again and looking out at the rest of the land.

Adding one more thing, "Never leave my side" She also commanded Marceline, "Ever"

"Of course, Your grace" Marceline nodded her head turning and looking at the valkyrie. "Not all kings are men, you just have to be respected and liked to be a king..." She hinted over to Y/n eyeing her.

"You are free to leave, free to go home," Y/n told Marceline.

"Yes," Marceline smiled to herself thankful that Y/n had taken a liking to her. She had faith in the valkyrie that she could do more than just listen and take requests from Odin.

Y/n had a small smile on the corner of her lips, she had something; an agency of her own. This was the first time she felt good about herself, having someone by her side that didn't hesitate to say that.

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