Chapter One

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(*I burst into the room where the original four KISS dudes are rehearsing together*)


Peter: Jesus! *nearly falls off his levitating drum kit*

Ace: ACK! *falls backwards off the platform*

Paul: Emily, you almost gave me a heart attack! 😨

Me: No I didn't. 😂 I just surprised you knuckleheads by coming in here all of a sudden.

Peter: Well, you made Ace fall backwards and now we have to help him out.

Ace: Um...guys? A little help here? 😮😅

Me: Okay, okay! I get it! Now, let's get to it! I'm starting the first chapter of Book #36 of Truth Or Dare With KISS.

Paul: Holy cow! I almost forgot about that!

Gene: We better change out of our outfits and take our makeup off.

Me: *snickers* You mean the "clown makeup"?

Ace: *cackles* Clown makeup...that's hilarious.

Paul: I don't think it's that funny.

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