Chapter Twenty-Six

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(*Two or three hours later...)

Me: *has just finished doing Suzy's hair* Okay, that should do it!

KellerSinger18: *has finished doing Suzy's makeup*

Vixen91: *also has finished doing Suzy's makeup*

Suzy: *looks at her reflection in the mirror* Wow! I look awesome!

KellerSinger18: *giggles* I bet your handsome drummer will be over the moon when he sees you.

Suzy: *blushes and giggles at the same time* He probably won't be able to stop staring at me.

Me: Now, that we're done with everything in the dressing room, I'll tell the KISS dudes to turn on the speakers so we can play the song for you and Fox's dare!

Suzy: Okay! I think I'll make a grand entrance when it gets time for me to walk out onto the ballroom floor.

KellerSinger19: OMG! This'll be a million times cuter than ever! 😆

Me: You said it!

(*After that, Emily tells the guys to get the speakers ready so they play the song*)

Bruce: *give a thumb's up* We're ready!

Me: Awesome! Eric Carr, you get out on the ballroom floor and wait for Suzy to come out like you did on y'all's wedding day.

Eric Carr: *blushes sheepishly* Oh boy...☺️

*Paul, Gene, Ace, and Peter can be heard snickering like crazy at the Fox's reaction*

Eric Carr: *is wearing his KISS Dynasty outfit and KISS Fox makeup*

Suzy: *walks out of dressing room blushing like crazy, but very excited at the same time*

Paul: Here she comes!

Vinnie: You can do it, buddy! *gives the Fox a friendly pat on the shoulder*

Eric Carr: *blushes and chuckles softly* Gee...thanks Vinnie. 😄

Suzy: Ohhh Eric???? Your vixen is here!

Eric Carr: *is ABSOLUTELY surprised indeed, but nonetheless he feels himself tightening in his pants* look amazing.

Suzy: *giggles* Aw, is my foxy-boi feeling aroused by me?

Eric Carr: *his fluffy fox tail begins swishing excitedly and happily* Very much so...😉

KellerSinger18: Cue the music!

Bruce: *pushes the "play" button on the speaker*

(*The song that is used for Suzy and Eric Carr's dare*)

(*And so the ballroom dancing intensifies*)


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