Chapter Twenty-Four

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(*One hour later...*)

Me: We're here!

Eric Carr: Really?! Alright!

Ace: Finally!

(*After Paul, Gene, Tommy, and Eric Singer made sure that there was a good spot for KISS's private jet to land so that the fans didn't see us or get suspicious, we all grabbed our bags and stepped off KISS's private jet*)

(*KISS's manager went to the hotel we were all staying in for one night to make sure that the rooms were still available, and once we had ourselves a room, we went there to unpack*)

(*Fifteen boring minutes later...*)

Suzy: Okay Emily, where's that ballroom dancing place that you told us about?

Me: I think it's only a few blocks from us...yes! I see it!

Gene: Where?

Tommy: I can see it! It's right next to that Gucci store.

Gene: Oh yeah, there it is.

Paul: Wow! That place looks like it hasn't been used in years!

Vinnie: Yes, it closed down a year after I moved to Nashville.

Me: I remember going in there only once. Everything was WAY too expensive!

Eric Singer: *meows while he's in his cat form* 😺

KellerSinger18: I agree with you Emily! *has got Eric Singer attached to leash for pets*

Paul: Aw crud...I was actually thinking about shopping around in that place.

Me: Okay, everyone! Let's get going so Suzy and the Fox can do their dare!

Eric Carr: What was the dare again? I forgot...

Me: You and Suzy have to go ballroom dancing together.

Eric Carr: Oh wow. I don't think I've ever done that before. 😅 *smiles sheepishly*

Paul: Don't worry, buddy! I can teach you if ya want!

Eric Carr: Wow! Thank a lot Paul. 😜

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