Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Me: Awesome! We got another dare! It's from @Horrorlover001, and they want us to paint the band's instruments and costumes pink.

Eli: MEow!

Suzy: *ROFLMAO* 😂 This is too funny!

Vixen91: *giggles* I'll go out to a nearby store that has art supplies and get some pink paint.

Me: Good idea Vixen91! 😃

Kellersinger19: Ohh boy! We better get their stuff together before they come back from grocery shopping.

Me: Let's do this!

Suzy, KellerSinger19, Eli, and Vixen91: Yeah! *we all give each other a high-five* Girl power!

(*After Vixen91 came back from the store, she brought the pink paint in the band's dressing room*)

Vixen91: I have the pink paint. *giggles*

Me: Awesome! Let's get to work.

Suzy: I think I know where the guys keep their costumes and instruments. 😉

KellerSinger18: Lead the way!

Suzy: Okay! Follow me! 😂

(*After me and the girls retrieved the costumes and instruments that belong to Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Tommy Thayer, and Eric Singer...*)

Eli: Painting time! *takes out four or five paint brushes*

Me: *snickers* The guys are gonna be so mad!

(*After me and the girls painted the four KISS guys's instruments and costumes with pink paint...*)

(*One hour later...*)

(*Paul, Gene, Tommy, and Eric Singer all walk into the dressing room through the Superman curtain ready to start rehearsals*)

Paul: HOLY COW! 😱

Tommy: What happened to our stuff?! 😧

Eric Singer: Oh no, this ain't good. 😟


Doc McGhee: I'll go check out the security cameras while you guys figure out what to do next.

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