Chapter Twelve

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Me: Hey Peter?! You have a dare from Vixen91!

Peter: Awesome! 😸 What's my dare?

Me: Vixen91 dared you to cat-sit her wild and hyper little cat who is named Bear.

Peter: A hyper and wild little cat named Bear? Cool! I don't think it will be that hard. Bring him in Vixen91! 😺

Vixen91: *giggles* Okay!

(*Vixen91 brings her wild and hyper cat who is named Bear in a pet carrier*)

Bear the cat: *looks up Peter, and then at Vixen91*

Me: Awww! It's a kitty cat! Come here sweet thing! *reaches out my hand to pet Bear the cat*

Bear the cat: *hisses at me*

Me: Whoa! *quickly moves my hand away, and then stands close to Vinnie for comfort, lying my head down on his chest*

Vinnie: *smiles as he strokes the side of my head* It's okay, love. Just leave him alone until he's ready to come out of his cage.

Vixen91: *opens the door to the pet carrier* Yeah, he just needs time to get to know you because Bear isn't familiar with your scent.

Peter: *walks closer to the pet carrier, and gets down on one knee to appear less threatening*

Bear the cat: *meows at Peter*

Peter: *blinks slowly to let Bear the cat that he is friendly, and reverts his gaze*

Bear the cat: *stands up inside his cage and stretches out his body while yawning*

Me: *watches as Bear the cat cautiously steps out of his cage* I hope he doesn't bite or scratch us.

Vinnie: We just have to be patient and let him get to know you in his own time.

Eric Singer: *walks in while twirling his drumsticks in his hands* Hey, who's the new guy?

Vixen91: He's my cat, and his name is Bear.

Eric Singer: Aw. *smiles* He does look like a woolly bear.

*Everyone else laughs at what the second Catman had just said*

Bear the cat: *sniffs Peter's fingers, rubs his cheeks against his hand, and begins purring*

Vixen91: *giggles* Aww.

Peter: *pets Bear the cat gently*

Me: *hears my tortoiseshell cat Cinnamon meowing nearby* Uh oh...

Vinnie: What's the matter Emily?

Me: Cinnamon doesn't like other cats. She might get into a fight with Bear if he tries to approach her.

Eric Singer: Well, let's just wait and see what happens.

Peter: Is your cat neutered Emily?

Me: Yep.

Cinnamon the cat: *meows and then sees a male cat cautiously looking at Vinnie, and then at me*

Bear the cat: *is thinking "Wow! She's so pretty"! when he sees Cinnamon* 😻

Me: Oh no...this can't be good. 😨

Bear the cat: *meows like a Tom cat does when he approaches a female cat* 😺

(*Cinnamon, my tortoiseshell cat, sees the male cat approaching her, and then speed walks towards me, but then Bear the cat begins chasing her*)

Me: OH NO! 😱

Vixen91: Bear! Stop it you little rascal! *runs after that wild and hyper cat of hers* 😧

Cinnamon the cat: *climbs up the stairs that leads to Paul and Gene's bedroom*

Bear the cat: *gets closer to Cinnamon, meowing at her in a way that he wants to mate, but is unaware that he can't do that because my cat is already neutered* 😻

Cinnamon: *growls at Bear the cat as a warning to stay away, and then begins hissing and spitting as she stands up and arches her back to make herself look as scary as possible* 😾

Bear the cat: *tries to get even more closer to Cinnamon while meowing*

Vixen91: *catches up with her cat* Bear! You leave Emily's cat alone!

Bear the cat: *looks up at Vixen91 and meows in protest, and then looks at Cinnamon*

Cinnamon the cat: *bares her tenth and snarls at Bear the cat*

Vixen91: That't it. We're getting you fixed! *picks up her cat and carries him away from Cinnamon*

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