Chapter Two

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Me: We've got more!

Paul-are you gay?

Paul: What????

Me: *giggles* Just answer the questions, Starchild.

Paul: ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! 😨 Who the heck would ask a question like that? 😠

Gene: *tries not to laugh* Paul, I think you should probably calm down.

Ace: Yeah! *cackles* It's just a question! ACK!

Paul: *pouts* Fine...I am not gay, okay? I'm into hot women, not guys. Does that answer your question?

Me: Don't be such a Grinch, Paul. Here, I know what'll cheer you up. *gives him a Playboy magazine with hot women wearing two-piece bikinis*

Paul: Wow...😍 Those girls are so f*cking beautiful!

Peter: Amen to that...😏

Ace: Let me see that! *goes over to Paul to have a look for himself* Damn...they're hot as hell. 😍

Gene: *looks at the magazine* Yes...

Peter: *wolf whistles at the delight of seeing the hot girls in the Playboy*

Me: *face palms* Rockstars and drummers are so weird...*is referring to the original four from KISS*

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