Chapter Seven

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Me: *walks into the living room feeling sad* Um...guys?

Paul: You look like you're upset, Emily.

Eric Singer: Yeah, what's wrong with you?

Me: *looks up at the ceiling and lets out a sigh* Vixen91 said that she wants to divorce Tommy. For real this time.

Paul and Eric Singer: WHAT?!

Me: Yeah...I know it's hard for you guys to hear this, but please don't make any objections to their decision. This is between Vixen91 and Tommy.

Paul: Aw man. I can't believe it.

Eric Singer: Is Tommy doing okay?

Me: Um...I don't know. But maybe you two can ask him, and maybe he'll answer you if he wants.

Eric Singer: Okay, thanks for telling us, Emily. Let's go Paul.

Paul: I'm right behind you.

(*Paul Stanley and Eric Singer teleport to where Tommy is using their KISSterian powers and they both disappear in a purple and dark blue aurora*)

(*Meanwhile, with Tommy Thayer...*)

Tommy: *is wearing his reading glasses while he's using his laptop*

Paul: *knocks on Tommy's bedroom door* Hey Spaceman, it's me. Can me and Eric talk to you about something?

Tommy: Sure, go ahead. *takes off his reading glasses and then puts his laptop away*

Paul: *opens the door and walks in, along with Eric Singer*

Eric Singer: *sits down on the bed a few feet away from Tommy* Hey buddy, we just wanted to make sure that you're feeling okay.


Paul: Emily told us about you Vixen91 getting a divorce. Is that true?

Tommy: *lets out a sigh and starts to feel sad* Yes...i-it's true.

Eric Singer: *notices how Tommy is close to sobbing* Hey, don't get upset...*pats Tommy on the back and then decides to give him a hug*

Tommy: No...I'm okay. It's that just this whole divorce thing is making me feel bad.

Paul: I know how you feel, Tommy. I was once married to a woman named Pam back in the day, but even though we both got a divorce, everything turned out okay in the end. And then, I met this other beautiful woman and her name is Erin, and we got married and had kids together.

Eric Singer: You just gotta take it easy on yourself.

Tommy: *sniffs* But it was my fault. It's all my fault. 🥺 I let Vixen91 and all of you guys down by acting the way I did.

Paul: No, no, you didn't let everybody down. *gives Tommy a box of Puffs Plus tissues*

Tommy: *grabs a tissue to blow his nose* 🤧

Eric Singer: And we're not mad at you, buddy.

Paul: Yeah, and not even Gene is upset with what happened. He knew that it was best to stay out of it because it wasn't any of his business.

Tommy: O-okay.

Paul: So, we'll let you and Vixen91 deal with the divorce and we'll tell everyone else about what's been going on and we won't let them ask any further questions about it, okay?

Tommy: Thanks a lot, you guys are the best. 🥹

Eric Singer: *pats Tommy on the back* Anytime, buddy. We're all here for each other.

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