Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(*The next morning...*)

(*Everyone is eating breakfast at the kitchen table*)

Me: *walks into the kitchen* Hey guys!

Everyone else: Hi Emily!

Me: Where's Suzy and the Fox?

Eric Singer: I think they're still sleeping in their bedroom.

Paul: Shouldn't one of us go and wake them up?

Kellersinger19: Yeah, the cinnamon rolls are gonna get cold if they don't come out.

Me: I'll go wake them up! Vinnie, come on and help me out in your snake form.

Vinnie: *smiles* Okay, baby. I'm coming.

(*The Ankh Warrior stands up and switches to his snake form, and he almost lands on the big plate of cinnamon rolls*)

Vinnie: *flicks out his forked-tongue* (Hiss) (Yuck!) (I almost landed on our breakfast)

Bruce: *carefully picks up Vinnie in his snake form and puts him down gently on the kitchen floor*

Me: Come on Vinnie! *picks up Vinnie and puts him on my head so he can go for a ride*

Vinnie: (Hiss!) *wraps his slender scaly body around my neck*

Me: *giggles when Vinnie flicks his forked-tongue in my ear* Vinnie...that tickles! 😆

Vinnie: (Hiss!) (I know baby) 😉

(*Meanwhile, in the bedroom of Suzy and the Fox...*)

Me: *tip-toes into the bedroom and then quietly puts Vinnie down onto the bed in his snake form*

Vinnie: *makes a SsssssssSssss sound before slithering underneath the blankets*

Suzy: *wakes up* Mmm? What's that sound? *gently shakes the sleeping Fox by the shoulder*

Eric Carr: Hm...?

Suzy: Eric, there's something moving around in our bed.

Vinnie: *slithers up towards Suzy and flicks out his forked-tongue to tickle her nose* (Hiss!) (Wake up!)

Suzy: Eric, stop tickling me! *giggles* *then looks down and sees a familiar but friendly Egyptian banded-cobra looking at her curiously* Oh...It's just you Vinnie.

Eric Carr: Huh...what? *then sees Vinnie* Oh...Mornin Ankh. *lets out a fox yawn* 🦊🥱

Me: *giggles* Silly Fox...

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