Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(*The aftermath of the dare where Emily and the girls painted the KISS guys's costumes and instruments pink*)

Eric Carr: you girls actually did that to Gene's armor?

Me: Yep!

Suzy: Sure did.

Eric Carr: *starts snickering* My Fox senses are telling me that the God of Thunder is raging like a mad bull.

Vinnie: Paul thinks that I was the one who did that to his costume. I never touched it!

KellerSinger18: Eric won't stop bugging me about telling him what's going on. But I won't tell him a single thing. 🤭

Bruce: *chuckles* Yeah, and Tommy keeps thinking that somebody broke into the dressing room, but there's no proof of that because all of the security cameras are missing.

(*Meanwhile, in the band's dressing room...*)

Gene: *can be heard hollering and growling angrily because he's pissed off* I WANT TO KNOW WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS! 🤬

Paul: Gene, calm down before you accidentally break something! 😦

Tommy: Aw man, they took every single one of them from our dressing room. Even the ones that are backstage and the ones on the set!

Eric Singer: We're doomed...🙀

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