Chapter Twenty-Five

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(*After we all arrived at our destination, Emily and the girls went to the dressing room to help Suzy with getting into her ballroom gown while Paul was going to teach the Fox how to ballroom dance*)

Paul: Okay, just imagine me as a pretty woman and then—-

Ace: *snickers* 🤣

Peter: *covers his mouth to hide his laughter, but he can't help it* 😹

Eric Carr: Um...I don't mean to be rude but you'd look pretty bad as a pretty woman Paul...

Paul: *blushes and then smiles with a chuckle* I appreciate the compliment Eric.

*Ace and Peter are both laughing like crazy*

Gene: *chuckles* Okay, this isn't working out. Why not try a video tutorial?

Vinnie: Yeah, that's a good idea.

Eric Carr: Awesome! Can ya do me a favor and look up one on the internet Tommy?

Tommy: *smiles* Sure, no problem at all.

(*Meanwhile, with Suzy and the girls*)

Suzy: I love it ! This one makes me look so beautiful! Thank you Emily!

Suzy: I love it ! This one makes me look so beautiful! Thank you Emily!

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Me: Aw! I'm glad you liked it!

Vixen91: I really liked it too, it reminds us all of a handsome pipsqueak. *giggles*

Suzy: Hey! *laughs*

KellerSinger18: *LMAFO* 😂 But it's true! That Fox of yours is one adorable drummer!

Suzy: *sighs dreamily* He sure is...

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