Chapter Eleven

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Me: Hey girls! Guess what I'm doing at midnight?

Suzy: What is it Emily? 😃

KellerSinger18: Yeah! Tell us! 😸

Me: I'm going to be doing another loud music prank on the guys. XD

Vixen91: *giggles* Good luck Emily.

Me: *snickers quietly so the guys don't hear* 😆

(*12:00 midnight*)

(*Vixen91, Suzy, and KellerSinger18 are staying at a hotel in the city*)

(*The host sneaks into the kitchen and sets up her Bluetooth speaker and then connects it to her phone, and once she pick out the song, Emily crawled underneath the kitchen table to hide*)

Me: *whispers quietly* Let's do this...😈 *turns up the volume VERY loudly*

(*The song that was used*)

Vinnie: *jumps up in bed with a startle* WHAT THE H*LL?! 😱

Paul: *hollers* ACE! TURN YOUR MUSIC OFF!

Ace: *hollers back* I AIN'T GOT ANY MUSIC TURNED ON, CURLY! 😨

Eric Carr: *switches to his animal form and wakes up Suzy, and leads her out of the fox den, yipping on and on about how loud the music is*

Suzy: *yips* (I agree with you, my foxy boi!)


Vinnie: *sees that I'm not in bed* Where did she go?

Suzy: *screams in fox pawing at the door to the Egyptian bedroom* (Yo Ankh!) (Let us in!)

Eric Carr: *also screams in fox* (Yeah!) (What my vixen said!)

(*The Ankh Warrior gets up out of bed, puts on his bathrobe, ties it around his waist, and opens the door*)

(*Suzy and Eric Carr both run in, sniffing different things and swishing their fluffy fox tails excitedly*)

Vinnie: What in the name of Anubis is going on here?

Eric Carr: *sniffs Vinnie hand before licking it and walking away*

Suzy: *stops almost immediately when she picks up a familiar scent, and then yips at Eric Carr and tells him to follow her*

Eric Carr: *yips back* (Right back at ya Suzy!)

(*In the kitchen...*)

Me: *can hear Suzy and Eric Carr yipping in the hallway, takes out a supersoaker, and shoots them with cold water when they enter the kitchen*

Eric Carr: *screams in fox as he gets sprayed* (Aah!) (What was that?!) 😖

Suzy: *sniffs around the kitchen floor until she spots me hiding underneath the kitchen table, then runs over to Vinnie and tugs at his pajama pants leg, yipping excitedly* (Ankh!) (I found Emily!)

Vinnie: Really? Where is she?

Suzy: *yips and leads the Ankh Warrior to his mate* (I found you!)

Eric Carr: *shakes his body to get all the water off of his fox fur* (You got me wet Emily!) 😣

Me: Aw man! You found me. 😅

Vinnie: Emily, what are you doing underneath the kitchen table? 😮

Me: *giggles and then sprays Vinnie with my supersoaker* Gotcha! 😝

Vinnie: Aaah! *curses In hieroglyphics* 😖

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