Chapter Eight

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Tommy: *walks in through the front door of the spare building with Vixen91* Hey everybody...

Everyone else: Hi Tommy!

Me: What's our Spaceman of a nerd feel like doing today? 😃

Tommy: Well, me and Vixen91 already got that thing done recently. 🙂 And we figured that we can just be friends, right Vixen91?

Vixen91: *smiles and nods her head* Yes Tommy, that's exactly right.

Suzy: And now, I think it's time to do more dares/truths from the KISS Army.

Me: Good idea, Suzy! 😁 I'll go check my laptop to see if we got any. *goes to do just that*

(*Fifteen minutes later...*)

Me: Okay! I've got it!

Ace-flirt with Vixen91, and then take her out to some fun where you guys end up drunk.

Ace: *gets really excited about the dare he received, points his thumb backwards, and teleports himself and Vixen91 to a party that was happening somewhere in the city*

Gene: *watches Ace teleport himself and Vixen91* He didn't even tell us what the dare was. 🤔

Peter: Ah, don't worry about it. I know Ace well, he's probably going out to eat at a restaurant or something for lunch.

Me: *giggles to myself, knowing full-well what the dare actually was*

Vinnie: How about we play a board game to pass the time until Ace and Vixen91 come back?

Suzy: Awesome idea, Ankh! What board game should we play?

Paul: Hmm...*thinks for a moment* about The Game Of Life?

Me: Cool! 😁 I'll go and get it from the guest room. You can come and help me Vinnie. 😀

Vinnie: Okay...*smiles*

(*Emily and the Ankh Warrior both teleport themed to the guest bedroom using their KISSterian powers and they disappear in a hot pink and golden aurora*)

Gene: Are you kidding me? That game sucks a$$.

Bruce: *chuckles at Gene's attitude* You said that the last time me and you played it during the late 80's.

Suzy: Really?! I didn't know that! What's the story behind that, Spruce Bruce?

Bruce: Well we—*gets interrupted because Emily and the Ankh Warrior have returned with the board game which was called "The Game Of Life"*

Gene: 😑 Fine...I'll play that stupid game.

(*Meanwhile, Ace and Vixen91 were at a party and Ace was flirting with Vixen91 so much, things were about to get heated, so Ace had to call a friend of his to take him and Vixen91 to the nearest hotel, and they got a room that had alcohol and champagne*)

(*In the end, the two of them ended up super drunk as f*ck and then, they had not s*x all night til' almost the break of dawn*)

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