Chapter 1 Silence

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The snow fell silently into the empty grave. The cherry blossom was bare and swayed in the chilling wind. I looked at the headstone. "Here lies Yami Saki. Beloved Daughter who never saw the light of day." That was a lie. She was seeing the light of day. I continued to stare at the dug up grave."Yami! What are you doing out there? You'll catch a cold!" My mother yelled. I turned to look at her. I walked away from my grave. "Don't worry I'm coming." I assured her. I wouldn't want her to worry. My mother lectured me about how the cold could kill me if I went out there without a coat. Mom would die in 2 years, due to a car. I never needed to worry about death, I couldn't die."Sissy do you wanna play with me?" My little brother Hajime smiled. His golden hair shimmered in the lamp light. His big blue eyes shined as bright as his smile."Sure." I smiled at him. So innocent, so sweet, untouched by the corrupt world. He would die in 80 years, due to old age. At least he will live a long life. I spent my afternoon playing trains with Hajime. I'm always playing a game. I act like I'm blind in one eye, so I can hide my gift."Honey did you have homework over the brake?" Mother asked from the kitchen. "Yeah I'll go do it right now." I replied. "Sorry baby bro I have school work." Hajime hugged me and said,"Its ok Sissy. We can play later." I gave him a smile as I walked away. When I walked into my room I sighed. I didn't have homework, I just wanted to be alone. I looked out the window at the falling snow. I picked up my notebook and began to read my first entry."My name is Yami, and I have a special gift. I can see people's life spans, full names, and whether they are good or bad, but of course there was a price to that gift. I can't see the mortal realm in my left eye, but I can see the spiritual realm. It was all because I was born dead. Mommy is a witch so she had the powers to resurrect me. Little did either of us know that I would be given a gift.""A gift, it feels more like a curse." I muttered. I had to live forever now. Everyone around me would die, and I could never join them. It was a never ending nightmare."Yami, are you thinking about death again?" A voice asked. I turned to see my friend leaning over my shoulder. "Do I need to tell you the story about my death again? Trust me you don't want to die.""Gin, you just don't understand." I whispered. Gin was a spirit that is forced to walk the mortal plain. She drowned at age 19. That was 300 years ago. She still considers herself 19."I don't care if I don't understand. Death is a horrible thing for a 17 year old girl to think about." Gin lectured. "You have a bright future ahead of you. Your a beautiful young woman. When I was alive you would already be married and have a child." I don't understand why she said I was beautiful. I had short black hair and was as pale as a ghost. My one blue eye and one green eye were my only beautiful feature. I was skinny and had no curves, how was I beautiful?"Gin, I don't need a lecture." I told her. She breathed heavily. Her long blonde hair swayed behind her, as if she was under water. Her long skirt floated of the ground and her corset tight blouse looked like it had been torn. Even though she was dead she was prettier than me."Fine I won't lecture you anymore." Gin sighed. "I just want you to be happy. Life is a gift don't waste it.""I won't waste it." I told her."Yami, come down to dinner." My mom yelled. I walked out the door and down the stairs. When I walked into the kitchen the smell of chicken filled my nose. I sat down at the table next to Hajime. He smiled at me. I smiled back. Mom put steaming plates of bbq chicken and mashed potatoes. "Thank you mom." Me and Hajime said. Mom smiled as she sat down in her seat. "Hey mommy, where's daddy?" Hajime asked. I froze. Why had I not realized that? I haven't seen dad since the vacation started. Where is he?"He's just on a business trip." Mom gave a weak smile. She was lying. Dad wasn't coming back. I could tell by how mom lied. What really happened to dad? The vacation was almost over so I would wait till school started again. I needed to look for him."Sweety its the last night of vacation. Do you have any plains?" Mom asked."No." Why would a dead girl have plans? "Oh well I just wanted to know. But because you don't have plans that means I can send you on errands." Mom smiled excitedly. She gave me a list of things to do. After dinner I grabbed my coat and left.I walked outside. The cold wind chilled me to the bone. I checked the list mom gave me. I sighed. I hated the grocery store. The quickest way there was through the woods, so I began to walk into the woods."Stick to the path." I whispered to myself. I hated the woods more than the grocery store. I used my phone as a flashlight. I walked alone the dark path. It was 6:00 PM and it looked like it was midnight. Snap! I jumped in fear."Aaaaaaaa!" I shreked. My phone slipped out of my hand. I looked around, I saw nothing in the mortal or spiritual realm. I don't like the woods. I don't like them at all. I crawled around of the snow covered forest floor. It was hopeless, I could never find my phone is this whether. I decided to close my right eye and look through my left. My left eye could see but my vision was tinted grey. I searched around the snow accumulating around me. I found my phone and snached it up before I could lose it again. I sighed and opened my right eye. My phones flashlight was still working, thank god. The woods seemed to move with activity. No normal human could see it but I could. Spirits of killed animals moved from tree to tree. Even some children souls wandered the path in front of me. I could feel the pain and sorrow the poor lost children felt. They glowed white in my grey vision. My heart ached as a young boy, no older than Hajime, cried for his mother. I wish I could help them. "Pitiful, isn't it?" A voice echoed.

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