Chapter 5 Bad Things Always Happen

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The sound of police sirens could be heard as we got closer. I ran ahead. When I got to my house I saw police cars outside. I ran toward the house and pushed the cops out of my way. Yoshi and Smoke followed after me. I burst through the doors and saw a horrifying sight. My little brother lie on the floor. A pool of copper blood surrounded him. His head was chopped off and next to him. My mother's corpse lie next to him. Her body was chopped up and nearly unidentifiable. I dropped to the corpses sides. The horrible smell filled my nose. I picked up my baby brothers severed head and held it close to my chest. I cried. I sat in my family's blood clutching my brothers head. Smoke knelt down next to me. Yoshi did the same. They both tried to hug me, but I pulled away. I felt my heart rip in two. I could hear police men whispering outside.Smoke looked at me. Yoshi ran outside, he couldn't handle the smell. I put my brother head down. Smoke hugged me close to him. I buried my head in his chest. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. I could feel someone else hug me too. Yoshi was hugging me too. "We sincerely apologize for your loss Mrs. Yami Saki. We will clean the house and allow you to live here." I couldn't do anything. I was weak, and needed someone else to take care of me. You would think my gift would help me but it didn't. This day was one of those days that scar you for life. The police cleaned the crime scene and left. It took almost an hour to get the bodies out."Yami, I'm so sorry for you. I'll come and check on you tomorrow." Yoshi tried to smile. He hugged me. "Love you Yami." I felt like I was dead again. Its the feeling of complete numbness. "Yami. I'm sorry, this is my fault. I'm sorry." Smoke said. He hugged me close to him. I wanted to curl up and die. I knew this day would come, but I never expected it to be this soon. Smoke leaned his head down and kissed me on my forehead. I pulled away from him and went upstairs. I walked into the bathroom and took a bath. I sat in the warm bath. I wanted to wash away everything that happened today. I wanted to be with mom and Hajime. I got out and got changed into my tank top and pj pants. I walked down the stairs and saw Smoke struggling to read. "Need some help?" I sat next to him. The book was Rainbow Fish. I started to read it. It took almost an hour but in the end he could read it. I smiled at him. "I can read!" He smiled. "Whats my reward for learning?""Reward?" I gave him a confused look. Suddenly he leaned over and kissed me. At first I was in shock but I closed my eyes and let him kiss me. After he stopped I blushed so much I thought I would die. "I've wanted to do that since I met you." Smoke said. His face was just an inch away from mine. I wanted to kiss him too. I just never wanted to admit it. curled up next to him. Being near him made me feel safer. It almost made me forget.Y O U R N E X TI snapped awake. I was still laying in Smokes arms. He was asleep too. I looked out the window. It was pitch black outside. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep. "Sissy, I'm scared." Hajime shivered. "Don't worry, I'll catch you." I promised. Hajime slid down the big blue waterslide. Just as I promised I caught him. He was smiling and laughing. "See it wasn't scary." It was Hajime's first time at the water park. I promised him we could come back next year, but now he would never get to go again. "Someone ended his life at only five years of age. And I could do nothing about it. I'm weak. I'm nothing. Everyone will abandon me. Yoshi, Smoke, you think they like you but you're nothing. We're nothing. I'm nothing." A voice similar to mine rang through my head."Yami, wake up." Smoke lightly shook me awake. I didn't even realise I was crying. I wiped the tears from my eyes. I'm nothing? Was that true? I pushed the thought aside. "You don't have to go to school. Yoshi said he would get your work." Smoke said as he held me close."Ok." I whispered. I felt like if I went to school Smoke would be killed. I didn't want to move. Being with Smoke helped me get over it. I was still crying. Even though I had no tears left I kept crying. "Don't cry. Smile, it makes you look beautiful." Smoke wiped my tears away. I gave a small smile. I looked at the clock, it was 12:00 PM. Well Even if I wanted to go to school I couldn't. I stayed curled up with him. I didn't want to move. I moved my hand to his heart. I could feel his heart slowly beating. It calmed me down. He pet my head. He could tell I was grieving. He was doing all he could to get me through it. "Yami are you feeling better?" Yoshi smiled as he walked through the door. "Oh am I interrupting something? If I am I can always come back later.""What are you doing here?" I asked. I moved away from Smoke. "Oh yeah I should explain. Someone put a shootout threat on the school. And it actually happened. Thirteen people got shoot. I was lucky to make it out alive." Yoshi seemed so nonchalant about it."What!" I looked at him. I jumped out and inspected him for wounds. There was nothing. He wasn't hurt at all. Why is he so calm about it? "How are you so calm!?""Because it wasn't scary. I mean the only people who died were people that pick on us. The people that were shooting had on all black and screamed, "This is revenge!"""This is revenge? I've heard that before!" Smoke exclaimed. "The people who say that call themselves The Endbringers.""Do you think they killed my family?" I whispered quietly. If they did, their dead."If they did, it's because I'm here." Smoke looked at the ground. I walked over and sat next to him. He didn't look up he just stared at the floor. Yoshi sat down next to me and hugged me. We all just sat there in silence for what felt like hours. BOOM! All of a sudden something smashed through the wall. It looked like a beer bottle, with fire on the top. A molotive! Smoke jumped up and grabbed my arm. He pulled me outside before I could grab Yoshi."Yoshi!" I yelled into the burning house. I closed my right eye and focused on the fire. I saw a glowing white figure struggling to get out. Without thinking I ran into the flames. I could feel the heat. But I continued. I couldn't lose my best friend."Yami! Help! Someone! Anyone!" Yoshi was screaming over the roar of the flames. I continued towards the white figure. As I got closer the fire moved away from me. It was almost like it was forming a pathway. When I got to Yoshi he had third degree burns on his legs. "Don't worry I'm here. Grab my hand." I shouted at him. He grabbed my hand. Than it hit me. I lose board fell from the ceiling and crashed down onto me. I opened my right eye and looked around. Yoshi was on the ground next to me. Both his eyes were closed, but I could see him breath. The weight of the board kept me from getting up. Yoshi would die here. I would live. Why couldn't I just die here with him? I couldn't stay awake anymore. My eyes shut and I let the darkness take me.

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