Chapter 19 All Hope is Gone

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"I think they're gone." Smoke whispered. I lay as still as possible. "We need to get somewhere safe. Clearly we aren't safe here." Smoke lifted the rubble and ash off us. We sat up. I felt my stomach growl. I felt tears forming in my eye. They got Yoshi. They'll kill him. Smoke looked at me. I felt his pity. "Yami we will save them, but first we have to get somewhere safe."

"Ok." My voice came out no more than a whisper. He kissed my forehead. We got up and ran. We dashed through my old home. All the memories this brought up caused pain. The day I met Yoshi. The day I want to the water park with Hajime. All of this filled my eyes with tears. Yoshi was dead for sure. And Hajime has been dead. Everyone would die.

"Ok were almost out of town." Smoke smiled. Behind the smile I could see fear and pain. "They always know the wrong time to do this. Those fucking assholes." Smoke thought. All I could do was pray they didn't find us. I could feel my heart pounding. I was exhausted. Just then gun shots rang out.

"Oh shit! Yami in here." Smoke pulled me into a wear-house. We hid in a pile of rubble.

"They're in here!" A man yelled. "I saw them run in here!"

"Fuck!" Smoke whispered. "Yami you're gonna stay here until I say its ok, ok?"

"No, they'll kill you. I-I-I can't lose you." I pulled him close and kissed him. "I love you. I can't lose you too."

"I love you too, but you won't lose me. I promise you." Smoke kissed me again. I didn't want to lose him too.

"Check everywhere. Agent Smoke is extremely stealthy." A man yelled.

"Yami, don't worry I'll be back." He kissed me one last time. I grabbed his arm. I wanted to say so many things but the words clogged my throat.

"Go." Was all I could say. he nodded and ran out.

"Hey assfucks I'm right here." Smoke yelled. One banged his gun on the rubble.

"Where's the girl?" He growled. "Tell us and we wont shoot you."

"What girl?" He lied. A gun shot rang out. The bullet hit my arm. I bit my tongue to distract myself from the pain. I let out a little wimper. I felt someone yank me upwards, pulling me from my hiding spot.

"Looks like you lied." The man smiled a creepy grin. "The boss only wants her alive, it don't matter if she pure." He squeezed my arm tightly. The blood was poring out. Smoke grabbed a gun and shot the guy.

"Yami run!" Smoke yelled. The guys from the club were shooting. Smoke was using his axes, taking them out one by one. I just stood there, clutching my wounded arm, paralyzed with fear. A loud clap, a gun shot. Smoke was thrown back. He landed at my feet. I knelt down next to him. His eyes were glossy and lifeless. Smoke was dead.

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