Chapter 18 Run

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I looked at the ceiling. The guys said I needed weapon training now.  A gun, I needed a gun. Smoke and Kanji went out to get one. I knew how to shoot but I've never done it myself. I lay there. Yoshi was sleeping in the room. We were the only ones in the house. I liked being alone now. I could protect myself. "Yami we're back." Smoke yelled as he walked in. "Sorry we took so long. We had trouble getting one." He held up a small pistol and a rifle. "My least favorite training. I like malee better." "So I'll be teaching you this." Kanji took the weapons from Smokes hands. "Where's Yoshi?""He wanted to sleep." I smiled and sat up. Just than Yoshi walked out. He yawned and stretched. "Oh, hi guys." He rubbed his eyes and nearly fell backwards. "Yoshi are you ok?" We all asked. He looked really sick. "I'm, hic, fine, hic." Yoshi fell forwards with a slam. We all rushed to his side. He wreaked of alcohol and cigar smoke. "What the hell! Yami why did you let him drink?" Kanji pushed me back. I was backed against the wall. "What the hell!" "I-I-I didn't know." I felt fear rising in my throat. "You didn't know! You were supposed to know!" Kanji yelled. I felt trapped. "He was your responsibility!" I could see the anger radiating from him. His aura turned dark. He was gonna kill me."Get the fuck away from her!" Smoke pushed Kanji out of the way. "She didn't fucking know because Yoshi told her he was gonna take a nap. She didn't know he was gonna get drunk. So blame Yoshi not Yami! She's done nothing wrong!" Smoke stood in front of me. He was holding his axes.  Kanji stepped towards us. Smoke raised his axes, readying to strike. "Next time, I'm staying home. You can teach yourself you bitch." Kanji growled gravely. I felt my heartbeat in my ears. He would have killed me. Kanji picked up Yoshi and brought him to the bathroom. I sild down the wall till it hit the ground. I pulled my knees to my chest. My eye wide with fear. "Yami are you ok?" Smoke sat down in front of me. I shook my head no. "He was gonna kill me. His aura turned dark. He was gonna kill me." My voice was distant, like I wasn't fully there. "Don't worry I wouldn't let him." Smoke dropped his axes and hugged me, awkwardly. My knees were at his throat. And his arms were at my sides. Never had I seen someone so pissed. He would have killed me. No doubt about it. "We should go get rid of it." I looked towards the bedroom. Smoke helped me up. We walked into the room. The smell of alcohol, cigarette smoke, and throw up almost made me throw up. "Holy shit." Smoke gapped. The room was clouded with smoke and the bed had ash all over it. Empty bottles of alcohol lay smashed on the floor. I walked out. I couldn't look at it, let alone smell it. Smoke walked out after me. "It's ok. It's ok." SLAM! something pushed against the door.  "What the hell." Kanji walked out. He was holding Yoshi over his shoulder. Smoke's eyes went wide."Run!" He yelled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the back door. We tripped and tumbled down the hill. We hit the ground, hard. "Yami we have to hide." He pulled me up. We darted through the rubble of my old town. He hid in a half burnt down building. I heard yelling."Get the girl! The boss wants her." One yelled."We got her friends. That should lure her out." Another yelled. "It would have been better if we got Smoke." The first one yelled. "They have Yoshi and Kanji." I whispered. "Don't worry. We will save them." Smoke hugged me close. "Don't worry." We were under a pile of ash and burnt wood. I heard footsteps getting closer. A man walked right past us. I held my breath. "Not here." The man yelled. "Check the next building." I closed my eye. The fear stopped me from sleeping. Just let me sleep. I thought. Smoke kissed my forehead. He wrapped his arms around me. He lay on top of me, so we could stay hidden. I felt my hands shaking. They were gonna kill me and my friends. "Don't worry Yami. I'm not gonna leave you. They won't kill you. Not on my watch." Smoke whispered. I knew he would be there for me. I eventually fell into a deep, dark, dreamless sleep.

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