Chapter 13 Training

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"Yami, your form is off. You need to do this." Smoke modeled. I was trying. "Like this? Or am I still failing?" I sighed. I took my stance. "You're close. But you look stupid." Kanji laughed. Smoke shot him a death glare. Kanji stared back. "Ugh guys can we get back to training?" I looked at Yoshi. He was sitting on the sidelines, shivering in the cold. "Yoshi are you gonna join us?" "Hell no! I don't want to get all sweaty and gross. You guys can have fun with that." Yoshi looked disgusted. He always hated gym. "Yami don't get distracted. You need to focus." Smoke encouraged. I shut out the world and threw punches at the bag. "Good Yami. Now kick." I kicked the bad on its side, as hard as I could. The bag vered to the left. My foot stung. The cold froze every inch of me. I can't believe I agreed to do this. I sat down, but my body screamed with protest. We've been working for hours."Yami you can't quit in a real fight. If you did you'd be dead." Kanji rolled his eyes in disappointment. Yoshi agreed. I looked at him hurt. Normally he would stick up for me. Smoke nelt next to me."Do you need a break?" He asked. "I have been pushing you really hard." I nodded. We stood up and walked inside. I plopped down onto the couch. It felt nice to relax. How could people deal with this? I feel like death! Smoke came back with a bowl of chips. I took the bowl and wolfed it down."Yami, why do you need to learn to fight? You have Smoke to take care of you." Yoshi asked. He didn't understand. "Because if she doesn't she could die." Smoke growled. He was clearly annoyed. "In case your boyfriend didn't tell you, we have an occult of psychopaths trying to kill Yami.""We're not dating." Kanji said. He had two moods, asshole and calm asshole. I hadn't seen him be nice to anyone but Yoshi. "Will you guys just shut up! None of this fighting is helping anyone." I scolded. I was getting sick of it. Smoke was always at Kanji's throat and visa versa. Yoshi also turned against me. I was all alone in this fight. "Well maybe if someone didn't try to kill someone we wouldn't all be fighting." Yoshi put in. "Smoke." He coughed. "Maybe I wouldn't have if his buddies didn't hurt Yami." Smoke growled. "Maybe you shouldn't have gone rogue!" Kanji yelled. Smoke's eyes flared. He clearly was pissed. "I have my reasons." Smoke yelled."Oh really. I thinks it's because your chicken!" Kanji egged him on. Smoke lunged at him. He had him tackled on the ground. Smoke was throwing punches. Kanji punched back. "SMOKE! KANJI! QUIT IT!" I yelled. I tried to pull them apart. Smoke was heavier than I thought. I pulled and pulled, but nothing happened. Suddenly an elbow hit my stomach, right where I was shot. I fell backwards, with the wind knocked out of me. I coughed and sputtered. Smoke stopped and looked at me. Kanji seized the opportunity. His fist connected with Smokes face, leaving a loud sickening crunch of bone. Smoke was thrown backwards. "Smoke!" I ran over to him. "Are you ok?" "Are you?" He groaned. He looked at my stomach. "You're bleeding again." Smoke lifted his hand and put it on my stomach. "I'm fine." I lied. "Who hit you?" Smoke asked angrily."It wasn't me." Kanji said, before explaining why. "I didn't have a way to hit her. So it must have been you."  Smoke looked at me. He realized it was him. Smoke got up and walked into the bathroom. He came back out with a bottle of peroxide and some bandages. He handed them to me."You can take care of yourself. I'm going out for a bit." Smoke said as he got up. Before I could protest he walked out the door. I sighed and got up. I followed him, but when I got outside he was gone. I looked around. There was no sign of him anywhere. No tracks in the snow, and no glowing trail. I walked back in. Once in the room, that was now mine, I changed my bandages. The wound was open again. It was bright red and bloody. I dabbed the cloth with peroxide and dabbed the wound. Excruciating pain shot through me. I was worse than before. All the training must have infected it. Yellow pus oozed out. The world faded slowly. Everything swirled together. Finally the world went black."Yami! Run!" Smoke yelled. I opened my eyes. I was somewhere unframiler. There were the guys from the club shooting. Smoke was using his axes, taking them out one by one. I just stood there, paralyzed with fear. A loud clap of a gunshot. Smoke was thrown back. He landed at my feet. I knelt down next to him. His eyes were glossy and lifeless. He was dead."Its fucking infected. This is gonna need some serious medical treatment." Smoke complained. "What the fuck are we supposed to do?""Clean it and treat it, you dumbass." Kanji rolled his eyes. I sat up. I felt the tears in my eye. I was caked in sweat. Was that a nightmare?"Yami lay back down. The bullet wound is infected and needs treatment." Smoke told me. "This is why I shouldn't leave." He muttered under his breath. I looked around. Kanji and Yoshi were in the room too. Yoshi looked scared. "Yam are you ok?" Yoshi walked over and grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry I haven't helped you. I'm sorry. I'm such a terrible friend.""Its fine." I lied. It wasn't fine. What if I died? Would Yoshi care? I guess I'll never know. Well it's back to recovering again. Yay.

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