Chapter 3 Welcome Back

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I looked around my room. He was gone. My room looked as if he was never there. I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out my clothes for school. I picked out a black sweatshirt and a pair of black leggings. My sweatshirt was ten sizes too big for me. But I didn't care. "Really Yami, you're wearing all black again." Yoshi wined. "You should lighten your hair and wear bright colors. You would be the most beautiful girl in the school! And extremely smart to boot.""I'm not smart or beautiful." I groaned. "Nobody likes me. Thats the end of the story.""I would date you, but I have a huge crush on the new serial killer. I bet hes is H-O-T hot!" Yoshi fanboyed over him. I almost laughed, he was fanboying over Smoke. "Yami do you think he's hot?" I was thrown off by his question. "Yeah, he maybe he is pretty hot." The words flew out of my mouth before I could process them. Did I think he was hot? He was kind of. I can't believe I'm thinking this! I shook the thought out of my mind.The bell rang, I said goodbye to Yoshi. we were the same age but I was in a grade above him. Senior year yay. I walked to my locker and saw what was on it today. The words "Attention Whore" "Kill yourself" and "Fake" were drawn onto my locker. I sighed and grabbed my books. I walked to Language arts, my favorite class."Students today we will be reading Hamlet by Shakespeare." Mrs.Hung announced. The whole class groaned. I perked up in my seat. I loved Shakespeare's plays, especially Hamlet. I opened the book and began to read. The class seemed to fly by. Afterwards I was heading to math. All my classes flew by. Lunchtime. The worst time of the day. I got forks, spoons, and knives flung at me and Yoshi's table. We sat in silence. I wanted to apologize to Yoshi but before I could Smoke tapped on the window next to me."Who's that?" Yoshi asked."Um nobody!" I exclaimed. I motioned for him to go away. "I'll be right back." I got up and ran outside. "What are you doing here! I'm at school and if people see you they'll wonder who you are!""I wanted to see you and see what school looks like." Smoke smiled innocently. I didn't notice Yoshi walking up behind me. "Yami, whos your hot friend?" Yoshi asked. I shrieked. I looked back and forth at them. I didnt plan for this to happen. "Um, um, um." I was freaking out. "I'm her boyfriend." Smoke smiled and wrapped his arm around me. I looked at him. "Go with it." He whispered to me."What! Why didnt you tell me you had such a hot boyfriend?" Yoshi smiled."We actually just met a few days ago. Thats probably why." Smoke smiled."Awww, such a cute emo couple." Yoshi cooed. I blushed and ducked my head away. "Oh the bell rang. Its time to go.""Bye." I smiled at Smoke. He grabbed my arm."Nope, not without a kiss." Smoke smiled at me. I looked and him. I could feel the heat rushing to my face. I gave him a look that said "Do I have too?" He nodded at me. I sighed and kissed him on the cheek. I ran into the school, I could feel my heart pounding. Social Studies would take my mind off it.Ring! The last bell of the day sounded. I was relieved to go home. I walked home, making sure to avoid anyone, but despite my tries I was found."Hey, Whore." Sachiko and her crew giggled. I turned to run but one of her minions tripped me. I lay on the ground groaning. I had landed on something sharp. All of a sudden I felt something on my back. It was sharp, maybe one of their heels. Sachiko grabbed me by my hair and yanked my head upwards. She looked at her friends. "Let's punish her for trying to run." Suddenly her friends began kicking, clawing, and hiting me with books. Pain shot through me as the attacks kept coming. Just as I was about to black out from the pain I heard someone yell."Let go of her you hoes!" Smoke yelled. He ran towards them and stood towering above them. Satico and her crew shrieked out in fear. Smoke grabbed Satico by her shirt collar. "Let go of me. It was just a fun joke." Sachiko struggled. "Girls help me!" She demanded but her girls had already ran away. "If you hurt Yami again, I'll hurt you in ways unimaginable." Smoke threatened. His voice sounded serious. He meant business. He put her down and she ran off. He knelt down next to me. "Are you ok?" He asked. Sincerity laced his voice. He helped me sit up. I was covered in bruises and cuts. I tried to reply but my voice was nothing more than a whisper. He picked me up and help me in his arms."Thank you." Was all I could manage to get out. He carried me to my house. "I can walk." I couldn't let my mom see him."No I'm gonna carry you." He demanded. How was I gonna explain this to my mom. He knocked on the door. My mom opened the door and dropped her plate of dishes on the floor. He eyes went wide and she gasped. "Yam-Yam what happened? Did this man help you?" My mom ushered us inside. She told me to sit on the counter, and she told Smoke to sit at the table. She ran and grabbed a bottle of peroxide. She pulled of my sweatshirt and began to clean my cuts. "Mommy, what happened to Sissy? And who is the guy at the table?" Hajime asked as he rubbed sleep out of his eyes. He must have just woken up from his nap. "Sissy had an accident. And the man must have helped her." Mom said as she cleaned. Smoke had a worried look on his face. Was he really worried about me? I wondered. "Yami, this is the third time this school year. Don't you want me to do something about it?""No, I'll be beat on more if you do." I whispered. Smoke looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm sorry Yam-Yam. If I would have done it right none of this would be a problem." Mom cried. I patted her head. "Don't worry Mom. I'm fine." I comforted her. Hajime walked over and hugged Moms leg. She smiled at him. She wiped her tears and looked at Smoke."Well, where do you fit into the situation?" She asked."I was walking past the school and I saw what was going on. So I stepped in and helped." Smoke lied. "Young man, I know your lying. You have the gift too. Thats why you helped isn't it." Mom said. Smoke looked shocked. "Well if you would like, you can spend the night here. But you will have to help me take care of Yami.""I'll help." Smoke smiled. He got up and my mom handed him the peroxide. I handed him my arm. He put the peroxide on my cut. I winced at the pain. "I'm sorry, but this will help." He seemed genuinely sorry."You can spend the night in Yami's room, but you sleep on the floor. And you don't do anything to Yami. Understood?""Understood." Smoke replied as he cleaned the cut on my arm. Mom walked out of the room, leaving me and Smoke alone. He looked into my eyes. "Yami, why? Why did you let those girls beat you up?""I don't know." I said."I'm killing those girls tonight. I'm not letting them hurt you ever again." He clenched his fist. "Why do you care about me? You just met me." I spoke my mind."Because, because." He seemed to be struggling to get the sentence out. "Because I love you." I just stared at him. He loved me? He cared about me? Deep down a part of me did love him. Before I could think. I leaned forwards and kissed his cheek. He gave me a shocked look. "Thank you, for saving me." I was genuinely thankful. But that means I owe him. "Just be happy I didn't listen to you. If I hadn't gone back, you would be knocked out cold, lying in the freezing cold snow." Smoke pointed out. I sighed. He was right. "If I'm gone at one point, its because I'm killing those girls.""Feel free to. I'm not the only person they victimise. They also beat my friend Yoshi. Just because he's friends with me.""Um, don't mind me asking, but is he gay?" Smoke asked trying not to be rude. "Yeah he is. But he's the only person in the school who's nice to me. He did what you did. In middle school he stopped a group of girls from slitting my throat. Since then he's always been there for me no matter how he's treated." It hurt me to speak about what happened that year."Thats a loyal friend. I wish I had one." Smoke smiled. But his smile faded. "Is that how school is for everyone? Does everyone get beat up?""No not everyone. Only outcasts like me and Yoshi." I sighed. I had never told anyone what happened that day. All of a sudden I felt a pain in my stomach. I put my hand over it and winced. Blood spread on my shirt. Smoke grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up enough to see a piece of glass stabbed into my skin. My mom walked into the kitchen and saw Smoke and me."What are you doing to my daughter!" My mom rushed over and saw the glass in my stomach. "I'm sorry I yelled. I just thought." She looked at my cut. She handed Smoke some tweezers. "Pull out the glass. Than clean it, and bandage it.""Ok." Smoke looked uneasy about it though. He grabbed ahold of the glass and slowly pulled it out. I winced at the pain. My mom looked at me checking for any other cuts. She pressed her hand against my upper back. Pain shoot through me. I let out a little cry. "Yami take off your shirt. There's something wedged in your back. I would have protested but I had no energy left in me. I slid off my Fall Out Boy t-shirt and let my mom inspect my back. Smoke was keeping his eyes on my stomach as he pulled the glass out."What's in her back?" Smoke said as he walked around the counter. The bloody glass was in the palm of his hand. "I-i-it's a knife. One of the girls stabbed her." My mother said in a hushed tone. "Sweety this is going to hurt a lot. but remember this will help you in the end." I sat there bracing myself for the pain. Rip! The knife was pulled from my flesh. I screamed in pain. Smoke now stood in front of me. He gave me a weak smile. "Hey, it could have been worse." He was attempting to cheer me up. The rest of the night consited of me getting badaged. I hated school there was no end to the torture. No end to my life.

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