Chapter 7 Lies

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I sat at the base. Turns out we were in the middle of some unnamed woods near by town. My home now was a log cabin in the middle of nowhere. About a week had passed. Middle of January means lot of snowstorms. And lots of snowstorms means freezing cold temperatures. About a month ago I was living a semi-normal life, but now I'm on the run from some kind of cult called the EndBringers. I shivered. I was sitting on a fur couch in front of a fireplace. All I had was my worn out, old black sweatshirt, black and grey leggings, and "Black Veil Brides" t-shirt. "Yami, we need new cloths. Like right now." Yoshi complained. He had his white and blue long sleeve, and old blue jeans. He was right, we needed some winter gear. "Well maybe we can go get some." Smoke offered. He held out his hand. It had a wallet overflowing with hundred dollar bills. "How did you get that!" I exclaimed. "Well I just accumulated it over time." Smoke shrugged. It hit me. He had stolen all that money from his murder victims. "Amazing! This is enough for us to get food and clothes!" Yoshi danced happily around the living room. "I've always wanted to go shopping with Yami! I can pick out some bright colors for her. And make sure it matches her eyepatch!" Yoshi was so happy about it. "Yoshi, I'll pick out my own clothes." I could see the disappointment in his eyes. He really wanted to pick out my clothes. "Fine but only one thing." I warned. He danced over and hugged me so tight I couldn't breath! When he let go of me I gasped for breath. "I'll lead us into town." Smoke smiled. He seemed excited for this too. Smoke opened the door and cold air swirled around us, bringing in little flurries of white powder. There was a small path shoveled out. It lead deep into the woods. Yoshi grabbed my arm tight. He hated the woods more than I did. We walked down the cold path. We walked for what felt like hours. I saw a bright shining light at the mouth of the woods. Smoke led us onto a busy street. The street was light up with street lamps and car headlights. "Welcome to Silver Mine." Smoke grinned. I stared at the lights they seemed blinding. I looked around at everything. There was a huge supermarket and a mall. I had never been outside Toto. "Wow so this is what a city looks like." Gin smiled. She hovered next to me. I looked at her, it had been awhile since I had last seen her. She was astonished too. Considering she died before we had huge cities like this. Smoke turned and looked at Gin. Clearly he saw her too. "Oh! My! God! Its a mall! Like a real shopping mall!" Yoshi exclaimed. He started to drag me and Smoke towards the huge brick building. Once inside the large crowds of people flocked from store to store. I hated big groups of people. A young boy looked at me with wide eyes."Mommy, that girls a pirate!" The boy whispered. The woman with him looked at me and scowled. Clearly she didn't want to be near me. She ushered the boy away. Gin looked at me with sad eyes. She pitied me. Yoshi didn't hesitate for long. He rushed us over to a store filled with designer clothes. The store was pastel colors on the inside. It was so bright it took a second for my eyes to adjust. "Yami, I'm making it my personal mission to find you something cute but sexy." Yoshi stated. I looked round the store. This was the kind of place the b-squad would shop in. I rolled my eyes at Yoshi. He and Gin would be the best of friends. Gin nodded her head excitedly. She agreed with Yoshi's plan. Smoke saw how uncomfortable I was. "Um, Yoshi why don't you stay here. Me and Yami will go look around." Smoke smiled as he handed Yoshi the wallet. Yoshi smiled and ran off. Gin trailed behind him. Smoke grabbed my hand and led me out of the store. "Thank you. I was dying in there." I looked at Smoke. "That boy called me a pirate." I said pointing to the boy staring at me with wide eyes. He looked like Hajime. Hajime loved pirates. Smoke hugged me. My head was buried in his sweatshirt. "Wanna grab something to eat?" Smoke offered. He stopped hugging me and held out fifty bucks. We walked over to the food court. Delicious smells of burgers and fried chicken filled my nose. I smiled. We walked over to a Wendy's. Once we got our food we sat down at a table. "Yami! Yami! I got you this really cute sweater and leggings." Yoshi said running towards us. I braced myself. I knew he would have bought me something bright pink. "Oh am I interrupting your date?" I blushed and looked away from him. "No you're not interrupting anything." Smoke smiled. Yoshi sat down and pulled out a grey and black sweater. I looked at it and smiled. Thank god it wasn't bright pink. Yoshi put it back in the bag. "So what did you think?" He smiled at me. "I'll wear it." I smiled. We spent the day shopping. I got a bunch of new mangas and books. When we got home it was nearly ten PM. Yoshi went into the one room and claimed the bed. He always did that. I sat out in front of the warm fire place. I can't believe I agreed to wear this sweater. "Yami, I need to tell you something." Smoke said looking at the fire. "Ok out with it." I smiled. I expected a complement but what I got was very different."I work for them." His voice sounded serious. "Or at least I used to. They used my gift. They talked about finding and killing you. So I left and found you before them. They want to end the world. For mortals at least. I've done things, unforgivable things. You can kill them, only you can. And I might have led them here. I'm the reason your family is dead. I'm the reason you lost your eye." He looked at the ground, pained by everything he said. I just stared at him, stunned. He worked for them? "W-what." I stuttered. He looked at me with sad, desperate, eyes. "I get it if you hate me." Smoke said sadly. He genuinely felt bad. I stood up and hugged him. I knew he didn't mean to cause this. He hated himself for it. "You don't need to forgive me.""I know I don't need too. I want to." I smiled weakly. It pained me to see him like this. I wanted happy Smoke. I let go of him. He leaned towards me and kissed me gently. I didn't fight it. I did like him, but I couldn't focus on this kind of stuff. He wrapped his arms around me. Being like this nearly made me forget, nearly. "Oh wow! Um is this what happened when I go to sleep? Because if it is I can give up the bed." Yoshi smiled slyly. Smoke let go of me. I turned to face Yoshi. I could feel the color rush out of my face. "Yami, I figured Id be nice and give you the bed. But I can also give it to Smoke." "No Ill take it. You and Smoke can sleep out here." I said as I walked towards the room. When I got in I buried my face in the pillows. Yoshi will never let me live this down. I felt a cold hand on my back. "Wow Yami, I would never expect you to find a hot guy like him." A familiar voice cooed. I rolled and saw Gin floating at the side of the bed. She had a mischievous grin on her face. "I thought you said you didn't like people. Than after shopping I find you sucking face with Smoke." My face turned even redder. Now Gin won't let me live this down. "Gin leave me alone I want to sleep." I grumbled. "Oh well I guess you don't want to see your little buddy." Gin sighed, "I'm sorry. Your big sis is being a butt head." Big sis? Big sis! She was talking about Hajime! Hajime materialized right in front of me. His big blue eyes shined with light. I felt tears forming in my eyes. Seeing his sweet smile and golden hair broke me. "H-H-Hajime." I sat up and wiped the tears out of my eyes. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you with mom?""I wanted to see you Sissy." Hajime smiled. "Mommy told me about your gift. She said it made you see ghosts and auras around people. She told me about everything. I was trying to find you and I met Gin-Gin. She said she knew you. I came to tell you something. There's a group of bad people after you, and only you can stop them. The Egyption god Horus gave you your gift. Mommy didn't give it to you. Your gift is extremely strong, its almost godly. You are like a god, all hail Sissy the god of spirits." A small noise sounded. "Oh I have to go. Bye Sissy I love you." "I love you too." But by the time I had said it Hajime was gone. Gin disappeared as well. I layed my head back down and let sleep take over.

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