Chapter 22 Safe House

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By the time I got there I was drenched. This place had no food, water, or medical supplies. I needed to get those myself. I walked over to the couch and laid down. Tears spilled from my eyes. I loved him and now he's gone.
"Smoke." I sobbed. "Smoke I love you." I remembered when we kissed for the first time, and the last. My heart felt like someone had just torn it into little bits and pieces.
I sat up. I needed to focus on my arm. Then I could get revenge. I wandered around. Maybe Yoshi hid something here. I checked under tables and chairs. There has to be something. I needed peroxide and bandages. The bullet went right through the side of my arm. I needed to be strong. Nobody is here to take care of me.
"Calm down. Just find relax. I'll be fine." I slowed my breathing. Actually everything slowed. The world spun as I crashed to the ground.
"Oh dear god! Yami!" When I woke up Gin was floating above me. She held bandages and peroxide. "Yami I heard what happened. The whole underworld is a buzz about it. I'm so sorry."
I sat up. My head was spinning. I had lost to much blood. Gin cleaned and wrapped bandages around my arm. She had tears in her eyes. I had to ask, I needed to know.
"Gin, is Smoke in the shade? Or is he in the underworld." Even saying his name hurt.
"I'm sorry hon. I haven't seen him anywhere. My guess is that he's in the underworld." Gin sounded just as pained. "Yami, I know you loved him. It must be terrible. I can't imagine how you feel." Gin hugged me. I had just noticed it. She didn't go through me. I felt her hug me, as if she was really there.
"Gin? How are you hugging me?" Gin backed away.
"I-I don't know." Gin looked confused. "I'm still dead. Your still alive." Then it hit me. How did I control fire? I never had done that before. Did it have something to do with Smokes death? Or did I have some kind of power? All I this was to crazy. My mother was a necromancer not a pyro mage.
"Yami, I think you have more powers then you think." Gin looked me in the eye. She put her hand over my eyepatch. Her hand glowed. She pulled it away fast. "Yami, you have so much potential it crazy. Your powers can't be contained. You have to end the EndBringers."

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