Chapter 6 Goodbye

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"Yam-Yam, baby, you have to keep fighting. Don't worry about me and Hajime. Were fine, But you're not. You're in grave danger. You must know who you can trust and who you can't. You also will have to break rule number 1. But I know you're strong, don't give up and keep fighting." My moms voice broke through the silence."Smoke is she ok? Will she make it? Are you sure she's fine?" Yoshi's voice was muffled and hard to understand. I tried to move my arm but pain shot through me when I tried. I groaned from the pain. I struggled to open my eyes. I got my left one open, but my right wouldnt. "Shes fine." Smoke smiled. I looked around at my surroundings. It looked worn down and old. This must have been abandoned for years. My house, all my memories, burnt to the ground. I sat up and looked around. Everything was black and white. I tried to open my right eye again. It didn't work. I took my hand and put it on my eye. I grabbed my eyelid and pulled it up. My vision didn't change!"Oh god! Yami put your eyelid down! It's scaring me!" Yoshi yelled. "I should explain. Yami when I got to you the weight of the board had pushed your right eye out. Now your right eye is gone and you can only see with your left." Smoke looked at me. He had a sorry look in his eye. I was missing my mortal eye! I could only see in the spiritual realm."What!" I said with a shaking voice. My right eye was gone! I couldn't believe it. My vision was now only in black and white. My hands flew up to my right eye. I poked the lid inward. I could feel the squish of my flesh."Wait Yami can see with her left eye?" Yoshi said confused. I needed to tell him the truth. Now was the time."Yoshi, I'm not really half blind. I have a gift that makes it so I can see the spiritual realm. Things like ghosts and lost objects glow. I can even see your full name and when you're going to die. I was never allowed to tell you. I was never allowed to tell anyone." I explained it all to him."So does Smoke know?" "Yes he does. He also has the gift." "So that means you both have the same gift.""And we aren't really dating." I added quickly."Oh so hes available." Yoshi smiled. "Yami, don't lie to him. I know you really like me, and are you sure you want to give up dating this." He smiled slyly and taunted. I blushed and looked away. I really did like him, but I'm still trying to figure this all out. I looked at the ground. I just lost my eye. I put my hand over my empty socket and sighed loudly."Hey now you could have an eyepatch. You could be like a pirate!" Yoshi joked as an attempt to cheer me up. I gave him a weak smile."Maybe and eyepatch is a good idea? Do you know where we could get one?" I asked them."I'll go get one for you." Smoke volunteered. "The Endbringers won't be able to find you here. But just to be safe, Yoshi take this." Smoke handed Yoshi an axe. Yoshi looked scared. He must be confused about why Smoke has one on hand."Ok." Yoshi said shaking any worries from his mind. I looked at them. Smoke saved me again. But this time I owe him Yoshi's and my own life. I needed to be stronger. I needed to avenge my family and my town."Were are we?" I asked Yoshi."Well considering Toto burned to the ground. We must be somewhere outside of town. Maybe Silver Mine?" Yoshi smiled. "But don't worry, the hot guy said we are safe." I laughed at Yoshi. He clearly had a crush on Smoke. "I know why his name is Smoke." Yoshi smiled."Oh yeah why?" I smiled back."Because he's Smokin hot!" Yoshi laughed. I laughed too. Yoshi was kind of right though. I shook the thought from my mind. I lay on the ground. Tears fell from my left eye. I would always look like a freak now. Even with an eyepatch. Maybe I could get a glass eye? I might look more normal?"Sissy don't give up! Me and Mommy believe in you!" Hajime's voice rang out in my head. His voice sounded brave, sure, that he was helping. I closed my eye and sighed. How could they believe in me? I had failed so much. I lay there for what feels like hours. I don't open my eye. I want to go to sleep and never wake up. I know that Yoshi and Smoke wouldn't want that, but I want it. They just don't understand. Everything rolls off Yoshi's back, and Smoke just seems like nothing bothers him. But everything sticks to me. I don't forget, I'll never forgive."Yami, I got you something." Smoke poked me. He was waiting for me to wake up. I just rolled to my side and ignored him. I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to curl up and die. "Yami, please wake up." Smoke pleated. I sat up and opened my eye. He held a black eyepatch in his hand. It looked like the one Ninth wears in Future Diary. I took it out of his hand and put it on. I adjusted it until it was semi-comfortable. This is gonna take some time to get used too."Wow Yami! You look like a total badass!" Yoshi exclaimed. He admired my eyepatch and gave me a wide smile. He was always so happy-go-lucky. I envied that about him. "It makes me look like a freak." I sighed. "No it doesn't. It makes you look sexy." Smoke slyly smiled at me. I ducked my head and blushed. I hated when he did that. He was the only person that could make me blush. "Aw, Yami you're blushing. Its so cute!" Yoshi cooed. I ignored them. I couldn't focus on stuff like this. I had to see something. "Smoke, can you take me to town? I want to see it." I insisted. Smoke nodded his head. "Its nearly night so they won't be around." Smoke grabbed my hand. I hadn't even noticed, my hand was covered in bandages. It must have been burnt. Smoke opened the door and a blast of cold air pushed against me. It chilled me to the bone. I hated winter. We walked a winding path in the woods. I hated the woods more though. We came across a clearing on a cliff. I looked below me. I saw my home town, or at least what was left of it. Ashes scattered everywhere. The town really had burnt down. Everything was gone. My home, the school, the offices, the town hall, everything! It was all gone! All of it was now just a pile of ashes. Goodbye.

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