Chapter 8 Gods

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"Bring her to me. I must see this child." Horus demanded. His servant went to the afterlife and found the crying child. She was small, very small, and had a full head of black hair. She was wrapped in a lyan blanket. The servant scooped her up and brought her to the temple of Horus. Horus put his hands on her head. "Thou get the gift of sight. Undead, be seen by this child's eyes. Thou now hast the Horus eyes." Horus chanted.I sat up. My clothes were drenched in sweat. Was that a memory? It felt so familiar. I checked the clock it was 3:00 AM. I rubbed my head and sighed. Knock Knock! The door opened slowly. Smoke poked his head in. He looked worried. "Yami? Are you ok? I heard noises. I thought you were in trouble." Smoke smiled at me."Sorry I just had a nightmare." I sighed. "Sorry to worry you." "Its fine. I wasnt sleeping very well anyway." Smoke smiled weakly. He walked over and sat next to me. I looked at the ground. Should I tell him? Would he think I'm crazy? I know he would. "I was having a nightmare too. I heard you and got worried." Smoke looked at me. "You having a nightmare. I don't believe that." I smiled."Well believe it." Smoke sighed. "Its late you should get to bed." Smoke said as he got up to leave. I grabbed his arm."Don't go. I don't want to be alone." I said quietly. He looked at me. He walked back towards me and smiled. He sat down next to me and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, Yami. I'm not going anywhere." Smoke smiled and kissed my cheek. He pulled me into his lap. I fell into a deep, dreamless, sleep. When I woke up I was still in Smokes arms. He kept his promise. He didn't leave me. I kissed his cheek then got up and left the room. It was 7:00AM. Yoshi was in the kitchen talking to someone. I rounded the corner and saw Gin sitting across from Yoshi. Yoshi was laughing and smiling. Gin was as well. "Wow Gin. Your so funny. So how was this husband of yours? Was he a real babe?" Yoshi smiled excitedly. "Well, He was pretty good looking, for a soldier. Of course he wasn't home much, but he was worth it." Gin smiled. I was in shock. How could Yoshi see her?"Yoshi! Gin! How? What?" I was confused. I was trying to piece it all together. "How can you see Gin?" Yoshi gave me a confused look. "What do you mean see her? Of course I can see her." Yoshi laughed. "I saw her in the mall too. She told me what I should buy you. She also told me you two were good friends. You never told me about her. Is that because she's a ghost? I've been talking too since about 4:00.""What! But but but! How can you see her?" I said still confused. "Can you see other ghosts?" "I don't know? I can't see other ghosts. I can only see Gin." Yoshi shrugged it off with his normal happy-go-lucky spirit. I stared at him in shock. My head bounced from Gin to Yoshi."Don't worry Yami. You know I'm a good ghost. I won't hurt him." Gin smiled. "Plus all we did was talk about the past. He seems very interested. Then again the civil war was a cool time. All the soldiers in uniform. They're all so hot!" "Oh yeah. Get back to telling me about your husband. What was his name?" Yoshi said ignoring me. I walked past the chatting duo and got myself some food. I grabbed a bagel with cream cheese. I walked to the room and sat next to Smoke. He was still laying in the bed, sleeping soundly. Should I wake him up? I poked at his face. No response. I pushed the hair out of his eyes. His eyes snapped open. He yawned and sat up. "Morning." He yawned as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Morning." I smiled as I offered him half of the bagel. He took the bagel and smiled. "Yoshi is out there talking to Gin." I sighed. Smoke nearly choked on the bagel. "What!" He coughed. "How? Isn't she a ghost?" I nodded. "You're bullshitting me." Smoke accused. "This is a joke. Yoshi is not talking to a ghost." Smoke got up and walked out the door. He walked back in with a dropped jaw and a shocked look in his eyes. "I told you so." I smiled slyly. I got up and walked past him. He followed me out the door. When we walked past Yoshi and Gin they both turned and smiled at us. Smoke looked at them with a look of shock. He opened his mouth to ask but I cut him off. "Don't bother asking. You won't get a legitimate answer." He closed his mouth and proceeded to the kitchen. I sat on the counter and sighed. This place was really boring. "I'm sorry this place is boring, but it's too dangerous out there." Smoke sighed. "I don't like it either. I find it just as boring.""Oh well you and Yami find ways to make this place bearable." Gin smiled slyly. "I come and check on you and find you making out with the hot emo." I looked away blushing. "Yeah well you can't blame her, Smoke is really hot." Yoshi defended. "Oh even the thought that I live with him makes me..." "Don't finish that sentence Yoshi." I warned. Yoshi and Gin went back conversing happily. Smoke started making toast. "Really, toast. Didn't you just eat half of a bagel?" "Yeah so. I'm hungry." Smoke shrugged. He stood there happily munching his toast. I sighed. Why did this all happen to me? Why? I closed my eyes and tried to recall that dream I had. Who was Horus? Why did he want to see me? All the questions swirled around my head. Who are the Endbringers? Who is there leader? What do they want with me? Why must everything be so confusing!? "Hey Gin, have you ever heard of the god Horus?" I figured, maybe she will know. She is dead after all. Gin shook her head. "No I haven't. Whats with the sudden interest?" "I don't know. The name just popped into my head. So I was wondering if you knew." I tried to hide my disappointment. I really needed answers. If I can get something, anything, it would help me understand. "Horus." Smoke said quietly. "That name, where have I heard it before?" He asked himself. He looked out the window as if that held the answer. "Hey Yami, if you want to know, why don't you just go to the library?" Yoshi pointed out. "Maybe there's a book about him or something. I mean if he's a god he must have like a book or something.""Then lets go!" I said. Finally I might be getting somewhere. It was a long walk to the library, but we eventually found it. When I walked in I darted directly towards the mythology section. I saw a book titled Horus The God of Sun, Sky, and Kingship.  I opened it and sat down in one of the huge chairs. "Horus was born to the goddess Isis after she retrieved all the dismembered body parts of her murdered husband Osiris, except his penis which was thrown into the Nile and eaten by a catfish, or sometimes by a crab, and according to Plutarch's account used her magic powers to resurrect Osiris and fashion a golden phallus to conceive her son (older Egyptian accounts have the penis of Osiris surviving). Once Isis knew she was pregnant with Horus, she fled to the Nile Delta marshlands to hide from her brother Set who jealously killed Osiris and who she knew would want to kill their son. There Isis bore a divine son, Horus.""What the hell! This gives me nothing!" I growled. Despite my frustration I couldnt give up. I kept reading, hoping I could find something. "As Horus was the ultimate victor he became known as Harsiesis, Heru-ur or Har-Wer, but more usually translated as Horus the Elder. In the struggle Set had lost his left eye had been gouged out, then a new eye was created by part of Khonsu, the moon god, and was replaced." "Ha!" Finally something. He lost his left eye and had it replaced. I continued to read. It said that eye he lost was replaced with a spirit's eye. That gave him the ability to see ghosts. "Yes! Finally!" I jumped up out of my seat. "Did you find anything?" Smoke said. He just appeared next to me. "Shit! You scared me!" I scolded. "And yes I did find something. It turns out he has the gift like us, sortof. He has one eye of a spirit, which makes him able to see spirits. Like us. But it doesn't say anything about seeing lost things or auras.""Well maybe you can do more research later on it. Right now we need to find Yoshi. He kind of walked off and I can't find him." Smoke rubbed the back of his head. "You lost Yoshi! We need to find him, come on."

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