Chapter 20 Call Me Smoke

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"Mama why can't I see vic?" Sasha asked.

"Because he's a monster. He would hurt you." Ava scolded. Ava was my mom. She and dad locked me in here. Calling me a monster and a freak. I cant even meet my little sister, Sasha. I closed my eyes and laid back. I was five years old. I couldn't even go to school. I was trapped here.

"Victor here's your food." My mom Ava pushed a plate under the door. She was too scared to come in. I walked over and picked up the plate. It had scrapes of mashed potatoes and steak. I can't live like this anymore. I picked up the fork. Tonight I changed my life. I sat down and ate. Once I was done I opened the door. It was almost midnight. I snuck into my parents room. I took the fork and brought it to my mothers neck. Warm blood sprayed on me. I did the same to dad. I walked out of the room to find Sasha standing outside.

"You must be big bro Victor. I've wanted to meet you. Why are you covered in blood?" She tilted her head like a little puppy. I raised my arm high. I sliced the fork across her throat. It was like I lost control.

"W-what. I'm sorry Sasha. I-I-I didn't mean to." I kelt to her side. I picked up her tiny head.

"M-m-monster." She drew her final tiny breath.

"No, no, no. No. NO! NO!" I yelled. I put her down. The little sister I never net was now dead. I ran to the garage and grabbed my dads two axes. I walked out.

"Hey you kid whats your name." A man dressed in black body armor said. I looked at him. He was an EndBringer.

"Call me Smoke."

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