Chapter 10 Recovering

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"Yami, Hold still. I need to change your bandages." Smoke instructed. I sighed,"But I can do it myself." I protested. He looked at me. He looked unimpressed. "If you want to repay me. You can listen to me." Smoke pointed out as he rewrapped my bandages. I sighed. He could use that against me. "And done." He smiled at me. "Don't worry this should be the last time we have to change them." Finally. I thought. It had been almost a month. Smoke looked at the door. "He still is scared of me." "Give him time. He can't handle gore in movies. Let alone seeing it in real life. He'll get over it." Smoke really looked bothered. "Don't worry." "I know but, I don't like it when people look at me with fear." Smoke sighed. "All I'm doing is trying to protect him. But he just doesn't see that." "If you didn't like people looking at you with fear, why did you become a murder?""Its a long story. And I don't want to explain." I dropped the topic. We both just sat in silence. Why didn't he want to tell me? Maybe it was something personal. I yawned and laid back. I'd been hogging the bed room since I got shot. "Hey Yami? Are you hungry? Me and Kanji are going out to get something. Do you want us to grab you something?" Yoshi peeked his head in. He avoided eye contact with Smoke. "Can you get me a chocolate milkshake and a cheeseburger?" I smiled. Yoshi nodded and ran out. He never asked Smoke. Smoke sighed. "Don't worry you can have some of my food." I sat up and smiled. "No you need to eat healthier. I'm not bothered that he didn't ask me." Smoke looked at me. "You need to stop eating cheeseburgers. There not that good for you. Excespecily fast food."Whatever. Your the one that told me I can't cook for myself because I'm injured." "Well now you can. This is the last day of fast food." Smoke smiled. "I hope you're as good at cooking as you are at being a smart ass." He teased. "Hey!" I went punch his shoulder. He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. He laughed. "I win." He smiled devilishly. "No fair." I smiled. "No that was fair. You're just weak." He laughed. "You know I could teach you a few things. Help you be stronger." I looked away, blushing. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed even more. I backed away and yawned."Wake me when foods here." I said as I laid down. I felt Smoke wrap his arms around me. Pulling me close to him. His warm touch sent shivers through me. The world disappeared and it was just me and Smoke. I wish it could always be like this. But sadly this wasn't my reality. My reality was hellish and full of death. "Yami, wake up." Smoke whispered. I felt his breath in my ear. It tickled. We sat up. I rubbed my eye and grabbed my eyepatch. I put it on and looked around. Where was the food? I turned to ask Smoke but he was on alert. He looked around franticly. "Smoke what's wrong?" "Someone else is here. Other than Yoshi." Smoke warned. He put his finger to his lips. Signaling me to stay quiet. I shut my mouth. Smoke and I snuck out the door. We tiptoed to the living room. I poked my head above the couch. I saw Kanji digging through a filing cabinet. He was throwing papers everywhere. I ducked down and told Smoke. "Damn it! I knew we couldn't trust him." I closed my eye and breathed deeply. I saw a glowing figure. It was Kanji. The view got closer. He was whispering under his breath. "Why is agnet Smoke protecting the Yami girl. Is she really that much of a threat? She seems weak as hell. Why does the boss want her so bad?" He works for them! He's one of the EndBringers! I need to tell Smoke. I opened my eyes, but Smoke was gone. "Smoke!" I jumped up from behind the couch. Smoke was tackling Kanji."You shitbird! I knew I couldn't trust you!" Smoke was on top of Kanji. Kanji had no fear in his eyes. He seemed unafraid. "I knew I had seen you before. You were training with me. Tell boss he can't have her." "Smoke!" I yelled. "Get off of him!" I ran to help. The door swung open. "Hey Kanji, you sure can run. I could barely keep up." Yoshi turned and looked at the scene unfolding. Horror filled his eyes. Smoke and Kanji turned to look at him. "What the hell is going on here!"

Shadow EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang